Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio Station NØJLH

What is Amateur (or 'Ham') Radio? Amateur Radio is actually several hobbies in one.

You can talk to people in other countries,  using the HF band and Voice mode.

You can talk "around town" using either VHF or UHF bands, and Voice mode.

You don't always have to talk, though. If a ham friend overseas wants to see a picture of you, you could send him one on the HF band, but, instead of using Voice mode, you could use a mode called Slow Scan Television (SSTV.)

If another ham friend -- that lives just a few miles from you -- wants you to send him a computer program, you could use either the VHF band or the UHF band, and a mode called Packet Radio.

There are many other bands and modes available.

For more information on Amateur Radio activities in Colorado Springs, a good starting point is the Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association. For general info, try The Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL).

I think the coolest thing that hams do is help someone in need of assistance. Check out these ARRL papers: Emergency Communications and Using Amateur Radio in an Emergency. You might also want to read the ARRL Public Service Communications Manual.

 The ARRL also organizes the Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES). A government-sponsored emergency service organization is the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES). The local RACES group is The El Paso County Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (EPCRACES).