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"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Serving Northeast Oklahoma Hams with three wide area coverage
WX5MC Repeaters: 147.060 and 444.675 are located just West of Pryor, OK
and the 442.075 is located on Keetonville Hill East of Owasso.
All are + Offset with a 88.5 PL Tone.

You are invited to join us at the
RCWA Burger Burn at the Claremore lake at 9 AM
on Saturday, September 14th. At pavilion number 2

Check Into Our Thursday Night NET On 147.060 At 8:00PM
And our Wednesday Night NET On 442.075 At 7:00PM on Keetonville Hill,
West of Claremore and east of Owasso Except for the last Wednesday
of the month when we move over to the 444.675 repeater just east of Pryor, OK.


Monthly club meetings are the last
Friday of the month at 6:30pm at the
Mid-American Grille 101 Cobblestone Dr, Pryor, OK

Come early and join us for dinner between 5:00 and 5:30pm.
Call into our net. or call in on the 147.060 repeater for more information.

July Minutes

Mayes County Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting

July 26, 2024

Mid American Grille - Pryor, OK

Call to Order: 1830

Welcome: Rick Frey W7REF

Pledge of Allegiance: Sargent-at-Arms Larry Yarbrough KB5ZB

Moment of Silence Curt Samson’s Silent Key Ceremony read

Roll Call/Introductions

Meeting Conducted by: President - Rick Frey W7REF

*NOTE* Unless otherwise stated, all sections requiring motions and voting have been completed.

Reading of last meeting minutes LauraLee Ewing K5TWN (June 2024)

Net Report – Mike Mitchell W5BHS

* UHF total 37 to date * VHF total 57 to date

* Need Net Controllers. Contact Mike Mitchell to sign up.

Repeater Report – Ken Duncan WB5Y:

* Repeaters are currently in normal use.

* Repairs are on a to do list.

* People are encouraged to use the repeater to find someone or talk to someone you know. Frequencies are a use it or lose it situation. The .060 repeater has been getting a lot of use – Keep it up. Had a check in that was 175 miles away!

Quartermaster Report – Rick Frey W7REF

* Club items are in the trailer and being stored at Rick’s W7REF home.


* Education: A new technician class is beginning 20 August. Place to be determined. Also need Elmers to assist newbies. Let Rick Frey W7REF know if you can help.

* By-Laws: Not discussed

* Website: qsl.net/mcarc

* Field Day: Need a new coordinator for this one. Many thanks goes to Ken Duncan WB5Y for his years being FD Coordinator. Jim Markle K5LE won 1st place - a Yaseau FT65 radio donated by Kieth KJ5FQS and Callie KJ5FSD Armstrong. Curtis Looper N5CEL won 2nd place - a Bofang UV82 radio donated by Rich Conn. Congratulations to the guys for their hard talkin' and listenin'. Thank you Armstrongs, Rich Conn and TELARC (4 cases of water) for your donations. Ashley Warren KI5ANW passed her General License and made her first contacts. A metal crib graph was her prize. Way to go Ashley! Total contacts for the event is still unknown at this time.

* Fund Raiser: Jim Markle K5LE has taken over purchase of the Blackstone grill.

* New member Growth: No new members

* Presentation: None

* Other Announcements/Comments:

- Ladies Radio Net is Tuesday evenings at 7pm on 147.060

- Club Dues and a signed waiver form is due to the club the 1st of Jan each year. If you have not done both, please let Mike Mitchell W5BHS know so your membership can be up to date. Thanks

-Emergency communications – During an emergency, monitor the .060 repeater. Backup repeater is .675 repeater. If operators need to QSY to another frequency, we will do it. Members with dual band monitoring functions have the benefit of listening to both frequencies at the same time. Both repeater sites do have emergency backup power. If something wipes either or both, that is where the simplex frequencies come into use.

- Route 66 historic 100th Anniversary is 2026. Keep you ears out for any special activities.

- There is an old gas station that houses a museum in Afton, OK. The owner is a retired Marine. If you are in the area, go check it out.

Thank Yous

Meeting Adjourned 1930

Door Prize: None


MCARC Field Day 2016
YouTube Video

For "LADIES" with an amateur radio license or 3rd party.
Check in to Ladies Radio Time, each Tuesday night at 7 PM on the
147.060 repeater PL tone 88.5+, in Pryor,Okla.

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