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"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Curtis W. Samson (63) of Claremore, Oklahoma, passed away on Friday,
July 12, 2024 at the Oklahoma Heart Institute in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Curt began his radio career working at
Leighton Broadcasting KYCK in Grand Forks, ND. Curt was employed by
KFYR radio, Curt had many entrepreneurial pursuits. He moved to
Cavalier, ND, where he built, from the ground up, the C-Store and the No
Place Bar & Grill. Curtis had 4 children,Hedi, Wayne, Barbie and Lindsey.

He began his Ham Radio interest in Cavalier and his “towers” were the talk
of the town. He met Rhonda in 2007. He worked at Big Country
99.5/KVOO Rhonda worked for the Oklahoma Department of Veterans
Affairs. He enjoyed his time with the Mayes County Amateur Radio Club in
Pryor, call sign KCOFHF just outside of Foyil. He developed telephone
transfer and answering skills, as well as public relations experience. He
had a vast knowledge of electronics and electrical skills.

Curtis W. Samson will be cremated and his ashes will be buried at the
Vicar Lutheran Cemetery in Mountain, ND.

Serving Northeast Oklahoma Hams with three wide area coverage
WX5MC Repeaters: 147.060 and 444.675 are located just West of Pryor, OK
and the 442.075 is located on Keetonville Hill East of Owasso.
All are + Offset with a 88.5 PL Tone.

Check Into Our Thursday Night NET On 147.060 At 8:00PM
And our Wednesday Night NET On 442.075 At 7:00PM on Keetonville Hill,
West of Claremore and east of Owasso Except for the last Wednesday
of the month when we move over to the 444.675 repeater just east of Pryor, OK.


Monthly club meetings are the last
Friday of the month at 6:30pm at the
Mid-American Grille 101 Cobblestone Dr, Pryor, OK

Come early and join us for dinner between 5:00 and 5:30pm.
Call into our net. or call in on the 147.060 repeater for more information.

June Minutes
Mayes County Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting
June 22, 2024
Guy Williams Park, Chouteau, OK – National Field Day
Call to Order: 1520
Welcome: Rick Frey W7REF
Pledge of Allegiance: Sargent-at-Arms Larry Yarbrough KB5ZB
Moment of Silence
Roll Call/Introductions
Meeting Conducted by: President - Rick Frey W7REF
*NOTE* Unless otherwise stated, all sections requiring motions and voting have been completed.
Reading of last meeting minutes LauraLee Ewing K5TWN (May 2024)
Treasurer Report – Rick Frey W7REF for Mike Mitchell W5BHS who is absent:
Net Report – Rick Frey W7REF for Mike Mitchell W5BHS who is absent:
* UHF total 35 to date * VHF total 63 to date
* Need Net Controllers. Contact Mike Mitchell to sign up.
Repeater Report – Ken Duncan WB5Y:
* Repeaters are currently in normal use.
* Repairs are on a to do list.
* People are encouraged to use the repeater to find someone or talk to someone you know. Frequencies
are a use it or lose it situation.
Quartermaster Report – Rick W7REF - QM Absent
* Club items are in the trailer and being stored at Rick’s W7REF home. It was great having the trailer
and equipment/supplies so handy for Field Day.
* Education: A new technician class is being considered to begin mid August. Newbies are looking for
Elmers to help learn how to use the radios and transmitting. Let Rick W7REF know if you are
* By-Laws: Not discussed
* Website: Is up and running. By-Laws and current roster is still in progress and will be added under a
protected access for members only link. Check it out at: qsl.net/mcarc
* Field Day: We’re in it. 14 people are here. Plus unknown number of pop-in guests. More than last
year. Antennas went up without problems. The area/bathrooms were cleaned up a bit. This is
Ken’s last year as Field Day Coordinator, so we need someone to follow in his footsteps. This
park is a nice place with covering, bathrooms and power. Will request booking for next year with
the city.
* Fund Raiser: Walmart currently has 22” grill for $197. Rick will purchase to move forward with the
fund raiser.
* New member Growth: No new members
* Presentation: None
* Other Announcements/Comments:
- Ladies Radio Net is Tuesday evenings at 7pm on 147.060
- Testing session set for Ashley Warren KI5ANW to become a General (She passed! Congrats)
- Donation of a Yaesu FT-65 radio by Keith KJ5FQS & Callie KJ5FSD Armstrong. It became
the prize for the most contacts made during Field Day.
- Don Ewing N5SGE has withdrawn from the committee for adding EchoLink to add to the
repeater. Rich Conn W5VXI has a radio at the VFW that may be able to set up.


MCARC Field Day 2016
YouTube Video

For "LADIES" with an amateur radio license or 3rd party.
Check in to Ladies Radio Time, each Tuesday night at 7 PM on the
147.060 repeater PL tone 88.5+, in Pryor,Okla.

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