Welcome on

LX1ER's Homepage


here some informations about myself :

Name : Joel

Birthday : 11.09.1964

QTH: Merscheid   

Loc: JN29xv

call: LX1ER

since : 1998

Other calls: LX8M, LX5A, SO9ER,PA/LX1ER ,F/LX1ER,DJ1ER and some others as guest .

and for more infos about a new group in LX



you can also connect me via facebook  (Joel Erpelding ( LX1ER)

or showing on





i am most active on digital modes , and in contests , but if you like to have a qso with me , please fill free to contact me via my e-mail adresse: [email protected],

and i will do my possible to help you



QSL card is always ok via e-qsl, lotw, and direct(included SASE and 2$ or IRC for return) via http://www.qrz.com/lx1er




And please , fill free to enter some messages into my


       equipment links qsl's pictures my contests and awards

Moonlight Revival 2013

QSL Printing:

as i stopped to work in Printshop , i will use from now the printservice of my good friend Max ON5UR