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Here is a place where you can find information relating to the main awards issued in Argentina

I thought it would be useful to find a place where one can get all the information on awards and the forms applicable for every country.� So I started this page. Even though it only relates to Argentina, I hope someone will take the idea and do the same on his/her country.
LU PROVINCES will give you the suffix of every Argentine province.
MAIN LU AWARDS covers a nearly full list of awards issued in Argentina.� From there you may download the forms to apply for them.
At ANTARCTIC BASES you'll find the location, latitude, longitude, grid locator and callsigns of each.
NEWS today Is the place where you'll find the latest information on LU DXs, contests and some data to improve your chances to get that LU province or anctartic base you need to contact to.

And finally, if you like a little of training on CQWW contest, click below to download a free software that I hope you are going to enjoy.


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Temp in Formosa City

Please send your e-mail

Luis Alberto Pistoia
Ayacucho 876
3600 Formosa

Versión en español Also
You can visit

Argentine Group of CW

Home page of the GRUPO
(Argentine Group of CW)

And the

Radio Club Argentino Home Page Web site ot the RADIO CLUB ARGENTINO (Argentine Radio Club)

DX Expedition to the Deception Island Would You like to know all about the expedition to Deception Island? (written by Hector M. Ombrioni, LU6UO)


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