Amateur Radio Station
Michael J. Hatala Grid EL88OE
Qrp-L # 887 AK Qrp # 086 AR Qrp # 98 ARS #220 AzScQRPions NJ-Qrp # 55 NorCal # 1995
Internet QRP Club
K7QO (Founder Internet QRP Club)
The International Morse Preservation Society (Fists)
CW Facts and Operating Tips
The Adventure Radio Society (ARS)
QRP Amateur Radio Club International (ARCI)
Alaska QRP Club
New Jersey QRP Club
Nor-Cal QRP Club
The Telegraph Office
View the LAST CW Transmission
(Chesapeake, Va.)
View the LAST CW MARS Transmission
Software Library for Contesters & DXers
Ham Exam - Create random exams and test yourself "online"
HamtestOnline - Online Computer-based training for the amateur radio written exams
QRP Kits/ Components
Buckmaster World-Wide Callbook
QRZ Callsign Database
HamRad Amateur Radio Resource
Micro-Cap V - Software - Premier Analog Digital Simulator
- Buy, Sell , Trade
DX Monitor
Freeware Windows 95/NT program that monitors DX announcements provided on the Internet by OH2BUA.
Now with maps & callbook CDRom lookup!
Solar Data Plotting Utility
Freeware program that converts the weekly ARRL Propagation Bulletins into a graphical display. Versions available for MS-DOS Windows 3.x and Windows 95/NT.
The Ham Trader
- Home of the Ham Radio Classified Ads