BrandMeister Unlisted Active Talk Groups

There are a lot of 6 and 7 digit ID's being used as talk groups, BrandMeister will not label, issue anymore talk groups or labeled anymore 6 digit repeaters ID's issues the talk groups user and repeater ID's BrandMeister just passes the traffic on their servers. User and repeater DMR ID's can be used on any DMR network

So why do people use the repeater DMR ID as a talk group? Well there are several reasons, it allows hotspot users and repeater users to connect. If the repeater is off line the talk group remains.
Normally DMR repeaters have a "local use" talk group like 2,8,9 to either go through a cluster or bypass the network connection through the server altogether and use the repeater locally

7 digit DMR user ID's that bridge analog don't do so well, if you have a kerchunker the DMR server will block that ID for a few hours to protect against looping, this can happen by accident or intentional, using cross band repeat or having local interference on the FM frequency can also cause unintentional kerchunks and will have a temporary block

A lot of the MMDVM bridges are to AllStar a sneaky way to bridge to other 
prohibited networks and crossmodes, bridging to AllStar is okay just don't try to bridge another network or you'll end up being blocked

Although rare I do find people just making up a talk group using random numbers, this is one of the fastest ways to get your DMR ID blocked, these don't usually last too long

                                 This list is very time consuming and difficult to keep updated
Talk group ID Call Location StateDevice Type Operations, Use, Name
310001 NC4ES Greenville NCInactive / No Device MMDVM Bridge Eastern Healthcare Prepardness Coalition
310068W4BADHillsboroughNCActual RepeaterMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 52369 W4BAD Link System
311095WD4JPQGreenvilleNCInactive / No DeviceWIRES-X Link   
312678AK4FDMaiden NCInactive / No DeviceUnknown operations
310014 K6RRR San Diego CAActual Repeater Local San Diego repeater linked static to several in the county
310564K6RHRolling HillsCAActual RepeaterTG:761002 is also static on the repeater
310604K6LNK OaklandCAInactive / No Device "C.A.R.L.A.  California Amateur Radio Linking Association"
310606K6MDDMt DiabloCAActual Repeater
310675K6RETFrazier PeakCAActual RepeaterMMDVM Bridge Tehachapi DMR repeater K.E.R.N. System
310703K6LNKVacavilleCAActual RepeaterK6LNK / C.A.R.L.A.  California Amateur Radio Linking Association  Tri-Lutheran Emergency Response Team
311416K6IOKSacramento ValleyCAInactive / No Device
311161N6LKACalimesa CAActual RepeaterMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 501264  
311573KU6E/RFallbrookCAInactive / No Device
312470KC6YDHDaly CityCAInactive / No DeviceCBridge CC-CC Link   "SF Trbo"
312679K6GTABear MountainCAActual RepeaterMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 52255  , Spanish KR6DK Repeater System.
312755WB6YESClaremontCAActual RepeaterThe PAPA System DMR
312882WB5NVNPortola ValleyCAActual Repeater"Portola Valley Amateur Radio Club"
313127N6OVBishopCAActual Repeater
314039N0NEOCarsonCAInactive / No Device
314322N6TPMHemet CAInactive / No DeviceMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 515322
314349KN6TYFOaklandCAActual Repeater
312556KE6PCVCoronaCAInactive / No Device
310031 K4LWC Milton FLInactive / No Device
310311N8EMABeverly HillsFLInactive / No DeviceMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 49050 
310894KN4GVYPortable-1FLInactive / No DeviceFlorida Digital Amateur Radio Network Local
311099KN4GVYSaint PetersburgFLInactive / No DeviceFL HotSpot talk group
311216KD4EFMLakelandFLInactive / No Device
311228KM4CTBJacksonville BeachFLInactive / No Device
311260K2JO    TitusvilleFLInactive / No DeviceSpanish
311261KF5IWFort MyersFLActual Repeater
311264KD4ACGHudsonFLActual Repeater
311274K4DJNCocoaFLActual RepeaterFlorida's Space Coast in Brevard County.
311278K5MIMarco IslandFLInactive / No Device
311291W4NASCallahanFLInactive / No Device
311667WO9CMiamiFLActual Repeater"Miami Sound Machine"
312571K4GNVGainsvilleFLActual Repeater
313842W7MHMPunta GordaFLInactive / No Device
314059W4WEBPort Saint JoeFLInactive / No Device
314073W4KWSKey WestFLInactive / No Device
314121K1STCudjoe KeyFLActual Repeater
314355W4NASCallahanFLActual Repeater
310217    N5AMD San Antonio TXInactive / No Device
310873KG5YJTOdessaTXInactive / No Device
312681WA5AIRSpring TexasTXInactive / No DeviceMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 48752 "South Coast Reflector"
313146AG5AAHoustonTXActual Repeater
314859K5TRAAustinTXActual Repeater
314891N5SIMTroyTXInactive / No DeviceKids On The Air  KOTA BM talkgroup
315818KC5MOLBrownsvilleTXActual RepeaterValley Digital Radio, ARC
310328N4TIKPungoteagueVAInactive / No Device
312128KK4WHBlack Mtn, Ky/Va HillVAInactive / No Device
312297KM4HDMRichlandsVAInactive / No Device
315136WB4EOTRoanokeVAInactive / No DeviceCBridge CC-CC Link  DMRVA  
315148W4BRMHaymarketVAActual Repeater
310337 KD0BQS Arnold MOActual Repeater
310439K0MGSLees SummitMOInactive / No Device
310986AD0JAWright CityMOInactive / No Device
312934KC0QLUPlattsburgMOInactive / No DeviceWIRES-X Link    
314297K0NXACarthageMOActual Repeater
310480W9MJWCovingtonINInactive / No Device
313159K9EPD EvansvilleINActual Repeater
313382KD9QDLAuburnINActual RepeaterNortheast Indiana Amateur Radio Association
310501 K5NSX Little Rock ARInactive / No Device "Little Rock Metro" popular talk group interstate and beyond
310503 KE5LXK Springdale ARInactive / No Device NORTHWEST ARKANSAS UHF SOCIETY
310514 K5NEA Jonesboro ARActual Repeater
311489KC5MNPine BluffARInactive / No Device
311678K9EAGMalvernARActual RepeaterMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 51646
311575WB5SPAHot SpringsARActual Repeater
312487K5WMSHelenaARActual Repeater
312557N5SEACrossettARActual Repeater
312838KB5BUNGlenwoodARInactive / No DeviceYSF Client   HH0TLINE
313464KC5DJRLincolnARMMDVM Host no bridge"KC5DJR Chat"
314317N5ALNMarionARActual Repeater"Mid-South Amateur Communications."
310543KA4BNIJacksonTNActual Repeater
311035K4JTMUnion CityTNInactive / No DeviceWIRES-X Link  CBridge CC-CC Link  to  Kentucky DMR
314722N4LMCChattanoogaTNInactive / No DeviceOld southeast Link before it was blocked by BrandMeister
314431WX4MEMMemphisTNInactive / No DeviceMMDVM Bridge-unknown
314703KB4RECKnoxvilleTNActual Repeater
314706W4LETMemphisTNInactive / No Device"Memphis Metro Area" Talkgroup
314710K4USDSeviervilleTNInactive / No Device"West Tennessee 10"
314722N4LMCChattanoogaTNInactive / No Device"SouthEast Link"  LMARC and W4EDP  No longer linked to BrandMeister
314742KK4XAMaryvilleTNActual RepeaterALCOA , TN-RESERVOIR HILL   "Smoky Mountain Amateur Radio Club"
310557 N8NQH Bellbrook OHActual Repeater
311070W8WOOWoosterOHActual Repeater
313923KD8AVOMontvilleOHActual Repeater
313931W8FAAAtwaterOHInactive / No Device
313932N8NODWarrensville HeightsOHInactive / No Device
313938N8OJMariettaOHActual Repeater
313959KD8YCFAkronOHOpenSpot HostMMDVM Bridge-unknown
313964KC8BPEMarionOHActual Repeater
313966K8JWLMarysvilleOHActual Repeater
313989W8NPMassillonOHActual Repeater"Stark County Link" - Both Stark County Repeaters (W8NP-WEST & W8NP-EAST)
310592 KG4BKO Vidalia GAInactive / No Device CBridge CC-CC Link   
311307W1KFRKingsland GAInactive / No Device
311340W4KIPMariettaGAActual Repeater
312384KZ4FOXAthensGAInactive / No Device
310248WB4GWAConcord GAInactive / No Device
310759N0KEGParkerCOActual Repeater"Colorado Mega System"
310801N0SZDenverCOInactive / No DeviceRMHAM Central   
310804W0TXDenverCOActual RepeaterDenver Radio Club
310815K0JSCCanon CityCOInactive / No DeviceMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 28299 "The Fun Machine" (Colorado)
310842WA0DECastle RockCOActual RepeaterAmateur Radio Emergency Services of Douglas & Elbert Counties   
310847KI0GOGoldenCOActual Repeater"Denver SkyHub" Rocky Mountain Radio League
310869KW5USALovelandCOInactive / No DeviceWIRES-X Link  XLX303-F   "SuperFreq Digital "   
313150KG0RPSilverthorneCOActual Repeater
310787 KC9HYC Chilton WIActual Repeater
311630AA9JRTownsendWIActual Repeater
313542KB9QJNMerrillWIActual Repeater
314142N9NOJIola, WisconsinWIActual Repeater
311500K5THSTecumsehOKActual Repeater
314016N5MSNormanOKActual RepeaterOK "SCARS"    "South Canadian Amateur Radio Society" club channel
311584K4YWEAlexander CityALInactive / No DeviceTallapoosa County/Lake Martin
312584K4YWEDadevilleALInactive / No Device"Eagle Creek Amateur Radio Club"
313564KA4KBXRoanokeALInactive / No Device
312473W2FCCSpringfieldNJActual Repeater
313333W2NJROcean CountyNJActual Repeater
313439WK2MHobokenNJActual Repeater
313444KB2OOJElizabethNJActual Repeater"Elizabeth Public Schools Amateur Radio community"
314390KD2YKYJacksonNJInactive / No DeviceMMDVM Bridge-unknown
314810W1ZOTOld Orchard BeachMAInactive / No Device
312543WB1GOFWestfordMAActual RepeaterXLX Interlink    D-Star
312600 W8FSM Fenton MIInactive / No Device
312621KB8POOWaterloo State RecreationMIActual Repeater
312655 N8QQS Waterford MIInactive / No Device
312801KD4VVZLucedaleMSInactive / No Device CBridge CC-CC Link to DMR-SE (31045) 
314124K5DYMabenMSActual Repeater
314742KF0BCOShawneeKSDeleted / No DeviceSec KC
313136KC0KWBasehorKSInactive / No DeviceLinked To "Kansas City Wide" YSF Reflector (In the top 5 busiest talk groups)
314093    WR0MGBartlettKSActual Repeater
314900N6DVZSalt Lake CityUTActual Repeater"DMR-UTAH group"
313040KF7KGNDraperUTInactive / No Device
313785W7IFSpokane ValleyWAInactive / No Device
314072W7NEESheltonWAInactive / No DeviceWIRES-X Link   
313868K9TONPequot LakesMNInactive / No Device
314137NC1DNew UlmMNActual RepeaterTheDive 155
312704KA0KMJBrooklyn ParkMNActual Repeater
313037W3BMDIndianaPAActual Repeater"Indiana County Amateur Radio Club"
314242 KE3JP Greenville PAActual Repeater
314267 W3TWA Pottsville PAInactive / No Device
314270 N3YFO Johnstown PAActual Repeater
314287W3CPARocktonPAActual RepeaterLocal TG
314086KB3UNVCORRYPAActual Repeater
314230KB3HLLWilliamsportPAActual RepeaterBald Eagle Repeater Association
313715W4SNAKingNCActual Repeater
313316KM3TGoffstownNHInactive / No Device
310436WN0EHETucsonAZInactive / No Device
312361N9ZDOak ForestILActual Repeater
312211W5SJLBaton RougeLAInactive / No Device
311646W0HSCFargoNDInactive / No Device"North Dakota State University Amateur Radio Society"
311618N3PPHMechanicsvilleMDInactive / No Device
311551KH7MSVolcanoHIActual Repeater"Hawaii Digital Amateur Radio Network"
311485KL7ETFairbanksAKInactive / No DeviceMultimode XLX Interlink D-Star
313509N5GUAlbuquerqueNMActual Repeater
314401W1DMRCumberlandRIActual Repeater
310999KC0WWV    MuscatineIAInactive / No Device
310799W2RDKPittsfordNYInactive / No Device
310796W8CULMorgantownWVActual Repeater

Known 7 digit DMR user ID's used as a talk groups, usually club DMR ID's
Note: A lot of these get blocked when discovered by admins for bridging prohibited networks, protocols and unsupported modes. Many are bridged to AllStar which is fine just not to TGIF or other DMR networks
Other times they get blocked for too many rapid keyups from the analog side causing the network to assume there is a looping issue and auto blocks that DMR ID for around 2 hours or so

Important note: Do Not Bridge other DMR networks to BrandMeister especially TGIF, This is the fastest way to get your DMR ID or device pulled from the network.

Visit the link below to the BM WiKi page

This is a list of heavy users on the lastheard dashboard, there are for monitoring only, some are public but some could be for private use, ask first especially if it's a 7 digit personal DMR ID
Talk group ID Call Location Operations, Use, Name
3101250KD7LMNPinson, AlabamaMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 559840
3105992NB1RI -Club CallCoventry, Rhode IslandMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 2350 "Narragansett Bay Amateur Radio Club"  NB1RI Cloud Hub
3110634 KF6JBN -Club Call Los Angeles, California "KARA Korean Amateur Radio Association"
3112891K4EX -Club CallSaint Leo, Florida MMDVM bridged to  AllStar Node 44239 "EAST PASCO AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY Inc" Club K4EX Dade City FL
3123917N5JMDLawrenceville, GeorgiaMMDVM bridged to  AllStar Node 29026
3128087NE5LEllisville, MississippiMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 507291
3129973 KI7WKZ Oregon City, Oregon MMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 40042 "East Coast Reflector"  KI7WKZ DMR bridge to TGIF Next on the chopping block for violation of bridging polices
3133442K5NWZLoveland , ColoradoMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 28753 "Jeep Comms" - Offroad Communications 
3136519N2GMUStaten Island, New YorkMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 584061
3144579KB2NUITallahassee, FloridaMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 61754
3145153KK4FUDalzell, South CarolinaMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 61658  "KK4FU" Chat talkgroup
3146211 W5NC -Club Call Spring, Texas MMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 59847 "Northwest Amateur Radio Society'
3148076KD5ROKAmarillo, TexasMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 62832 "KD5ROK Amarillo, TX
3149964 WG5EEK Tontitown, Arkansas MMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 51010  and at times linked to the Arkansas NSN AllStar network node 40010 or NAØD ASL 472350
3150174 W1SBW Florence, Vermont MMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 525960 "WWRARN NETWORK "
3163157KG4DVEASHLAND, KentuckyMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 496081
3164297KI5HCXEl Paso, TexasMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 506551
3167813N2UGSBuffalo, New YorkMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 527631
3172783K8JTKWestlake, OhioMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 50394   
3177826K0HRVLas Vegas, NevadaHam Radio Village Radio Network   
3179020KO4MRISarasota, FloridaMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 57446
3173922KB0RPJTrenton, MissouriMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 62225 
3186308WB4TWAClewiston, FloridaMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 62225  YSF bridge
3187946KB2IPTStaten Island, New YorkMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 609950  
3190149KO4RXStockbridge, GeorgiaMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 571380
3190205KB0WMAAlbuquerque, New MexicoMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 54188
3192487KE8UOTWestland, MichiganMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 480540
3192979KK7GKGRiverton, UtahMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 600790  KK7GKG Salt Lake, UT
3195162W4PSR -Club CallBartow, FloridaPolk Schools Radio Society
3202650N0LWSOrlando, FloridaMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 60058  "Wolf Arc"
3202874 AB6MV -Club Call Riverside, California MMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 587571 "Moreno Valley Amateur Radio Association"
3207698 W7HEN Henderson, Nevada MMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 45650 "Henderson Amateur Radio Club"
3208620KK7UAPLas Vegas, NevadaMMDVM bridged to AllStar Node 62087  K7SMD Henderson, NV 
3208773KC1VAXNorth Providence, Rhode IslandMMDVM bridged to ? Unknown

When I have time I will add more, this is a work in progress and is super time consuming, this list will get big!
I get my data from here and here  and here

donate to the soup no soup for you

email the soup

Last update 21 Dec