Geostationary Orbiting

Weather-Satellite Images


Amateur reception of weather satellites images is another facet of the space-related activities at EA4LE / KC2HAX. Most of the work  to date has being focused on the reception of APT (Automatic Picture Transmission) from the US TIROS / NOAA polar orbiting satellites and the European Meteosat geostationary satellites.

Satellite Meteosat-7  Europe (Visible Spectrum)

The above shown pictures were received from the METEOSAT 7 geostationary-orbit satellite in the analogue APT WEFAX mode on 1.6 GHz. A Radio-Shack PRO-23 Scanner was used as a IF (intermediate frequency) receiver with a 1.6 GHz to a 137 MHz converter . To improve the quality of the signal for demodulation baseband audio is directly taken from the scanner FM discriminator chip. The images were captured with the standard IF bandwidth. Some modifications were made to widen the IF bandwidth, but the signal to noise ratio deterioration made then worthless. Antenna is a parabolic reflector iluminated with a resonant cavity made with a Nesquik� can. Software used for image decoding is WXSat 2.5 developed by Christian H. Bock. Images shown in this page are not post processed.   

Copyright � 2001 Antonio Fern�ndez

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