Photos posted February 12, 2003

Karate graduation, a puppet show play by Genny, and others.
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John INSISTED that he wanted a piece of lemon, so we finally decided to stop trying to convince him that he really didn't, but we made him wait until I found the camera.  I was hoping to get a couple of good shots with his face twisted into exciting new expressions.  But it didn't happen.  He liked it.  He had more.  Go figure!
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Graduation time at karate!  If you are not familiar with the ranks, a beginner starts with a white belt, then graduates to a gold belt, then to green (which is what Genny and Jimmy were both promoted to yesterday).  After that, it is purple, blue, then red belt.  After that, the path to black belt gets tough, but first things first.

Getting ready for the graduation ceremony and trials, Genny and Jimmy socialize in the top photo.

Jimmy admires himself in the mirror.  Smallest kid in the class, but graduating on schedule!

Genny showing off how she'll lick you good if you mess with her!

Oop!  Here we go, time for the ceremony, get in line!.  The gold belts line up (with a nervous gap between them and the green belts).  After the "roll call" of sorts, each group is put through their paces in front of the "Karate Masters" to demonstrate their abilities and skills.  Of course, everyone passes muster.

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Their names are called, one at a time, to go up and have their gold belts ceremoniously removed, and new green belts tied on.  First Jimmy, then Genny.

Afterwards, back in line, everyone has new belts on!  Way cool!

A couple of very happy green belts, that's what we've got.

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Here are some shots of a puppet show play that Genny put on for us, about the true story of Valentine's Day (which is quite interesting, I might add, I learned a few things).

She made her own backgrounds, puppets, props and all.  She read from the book and acted out all of the roles.  It was great, we videotaped it, too, until the camcorder battery went out.  (sad face here)

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After the play, it's story time for some very tired boys.  Oh well, one didn't make it to his bed before he gave it up.  It's hard to stay awake in a warm Mommy lap.
20030212-16.jpg (133407 bytes) Parting shot:  Genny taught herself to play chess with a book she got for Christmas.  She had played with some other friends here and there, but this was the outcome of the first game she played with me (I was white).  I won, but just BARELY.  The first casualty of the entire game was my queen!

We played a second game, and the first casualty of that game was.... my queen.  Again.  Ouch!  That game went down to the wire, we both just had our kings, one rook each and one pawn each.  The only reason I escaped that one was because I managed to get my pawn to the end and trade in for my queen before she could do the same.  I was lucky to escape.  She's really GOOD at chess!

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Other posting dates:
February 12, 2003
February 6, 2003
January 2, 2003
December 31, 2002
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January 27, 2000
December 14, 1999
December 10, 1999
November 26, 1999
November 5, 1999
August 13, 1999
Jimmy's Birth
Genny's Corner