Photos posted December 14, 1999

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Jimmy and Genny in our front yard enjoying the Summer of 1999.
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Scenes from our visit to Tacoma in Summer 1998.

TOP - Genny, cousins Sarah and Arielle, with Grandma cooking on the grille.

MIDDLE - Genny, Frank and Grandma (Frank's mom).

BOTTOM - Top row: Amanda (Frank's niece), Susan (Frank's sister) who is holding her baby and Jimmy.  Bottom row:  Arielle, Sarah (Susan's daughters) and Genny.

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Several shots of Jimmy on his first birthday, enjoying his cake and dinner.  The bottom of these is one of my personal favorites.
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One of Jimmy's favorite presents for his birthday, though at first it was all he could do to get on board... and stay on.
19991214-11.jpg (50376 bytes) The paper was more fun than what was inside the bags, for a one-year-old.
19991214-12.jpg (64610 bytes) Let's just say that Jimmy really likes his cereal.  He becomes a part of it, and really identifies with Cheerios.
19991214-14.jpg (86543 bytes) Jimmy seems to be looking like he doesn't really believe mom when she says it's for him.  Now of course it is one of his favorite shirts.  He likes to wear it unbuttoned over a "one-sy" or tee-shirt, just like his dad and grandpa do.
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January 27, 2000
December 14, 1999
December 10, 1999
November 26, 1999
November 5, 1999
August 13, 1999
Jimmy's Birth
Genny's Corner