Constant Wire Comparisons

Constant Fractal Comparisons

Constant Height Comparisons

Constant Band Comparisons

Wide Band Comparisons

Constant Height Paired Fractals

Two radiators are assembled side by side. One radiator is a 1st order Koch Triadic, the other is a 2nd order Koch Triadic. The height of these paired antennas is 16 Meters. Given either form contains more wire than the standard monopole, it stands to reason we will find SWR nulls occurring at lower frequencies. In a style consistent with the Constant Band Comparison, only the first SWR null will be analyzed.

This is the 50 Ohm SWR for a standard 16 meter tall radiator. This curve establishes the baseline against which we compare the pair to. For this height of a monopole above a perfect ground, the first resonance occurs just below 5 MHz.

This is the normalized SWR for a 1st and 2nd order Koch Triadic radiators with unconnected tops. There is a notable drop in frequency for the first resonance (which ever of the two nulls you may choose).

This is the normalized SWR for a 1st and 2nd order Koch Triadic radiators with connected tops. Closing the connection at the top appears to pull the two nulls together.

This is the 50 Ohm SWR for a 1st and 2nd order Koch Triadic radiator with connected tops and the 1st order side driven (2nd order goes to ground). This appears to exhibit the qualities of a folded monopole with the increase in drive point Z.