We acknowledge and thank the RBRA for the use of the K2GE repeater located in Sayreville, NJ

Freq = 146.76 mhz (-) pl 156.7
UHF link 443.2mhz(+) pl 141.3

Daily @ 2000 Local Time




Honor Roll
Templates & Stuff

KB2VRO Net Manager
This page is for all those files that keep a traffic net going. More will be added as you think of them. Feel free to print these out.
W1PEX - This file contains the W1PEX texts.  Message Blank - An ARRL message blank suitable for printing. 2/per sheet. Duplicated by KB2VRO   NCS daily reportThis Excel SS is used to keep track of the daily checkins. Ease to use for reporting to the Net Manager. Created by N3RB.  
  CJTN Summary - This is the record I keep for the CJTN. It shows your check-ins by month for 2008.