Would you like to attempt a CW QSO with me? This is a web page that will send me an email from your account with the answers to a few important questions.


I have an Icom 735 which puts out 100 watts. I have a G5RV that I can tune for 10 meters to 160 meters. I do not think it does well on 160 meters, and I have not really given the antenna a good test yet. I have a seperate antenna that works great on 10 meters. I also have 2 QRP rigs, one for 20 meters(temporarily out of service) and one for 30 meters, both output 2.5 watts. I have had success with both. See my QRP Log.

Fill in the blanks and type in any additional info in the comments area. You may also fill in the commets area to just send me an email. All you have to do is click on send.


Your Name & Callsign:

Your Email Address:

An alternate means of contacting you if you do not have an email address:

Please, no long distance phone #'s.

State or Country:

Would you like to try QRP?:

Time UTC that works best for you:

The Band that works best for you:

Your code speed. I am most reliabe at 13 to 15 wpm:

Additional Comments: