What is ham radio
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What is ham radio? That's not an easy one to answer. Ham radio is many things to many people. There are so many things you can do and everyone has their favorites. You can communicate with other people in many different ways. You can talk to them using your voice, using morse code, or sending digital signals much like the ones on the internet. You can send your picture--either moving or still. You can talk to them using repeaters or satellites, or bounce your signal off the moon. You can talk for hours, or maybe only for seconds--to someone down the street, or the other side of the world. These are just a few of the possibilities that you can explore.

You can use ham radio for things other than strictly pleasure. You can do public service such as weather spotting, or emergency communications. You can provide communications for things like parades or other public events. Then there's the contesting where you attempt to communicate with as many people as you can under set rules for awards. Or you can use experimental equipment or modes to further the advancement of radio. Again, these are just a few of the other things you do in ham radio.

Ham radio involves people from all over the world. People of different races, religions, or political beliefs are hams. Men and women, young and old, rich and poor, short or tall, code or no-code can be hams. No matter how many different classifications you can fit people into there's bound to be some of them represented in ham radio. But you have at least one thing in common with each and every one of them: the desire to communicate via radio. That's no small start either.

For those reading this that have no previous experience with ham radio, I hope this may have at least sparked a little interest in finding out more. Many libraries will have books on ham radio. There are web sites galore out there, some good and some others. :-) Most mid- to large size cities, as well as many smaller communities, have clubs that will be happy to help you out. In the USA contact the American Radio Relay League for help and information. Or I'll be glad to try to help anyone as much as I can. Just write to me and I'll do my best to help you out. If you are near Somerset, Oh. and need help getting into ham radio, especially help with the morse code, we may be able to work out something to help you in person.

For those of you that have experience with ham radio, I hope maybe this reminds you of some of the things you got into radio for. Or maybe will inspire you to try something different. In any case I hope it makes you remember how much fun radio can be and will get you to helping out all the people new to ham radio or the ones that are trying to get into ham radio.