Welcome to Douglas County Oregon ARES® (Amateur Radio Emergency Service®)

Douglas County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (DCARES) is a volunteer organization of Amateur Radio operators.

Mission: To support the County Emergency Manager in the event of a communications outage or overload. ARES members will work to provide essential communications with the Oregon Department of Emergency Management in Salem, Oregon, between Roseburg and Reedsport, with adjacent counties or other communication needs as determined by the County Emergency Manager.
Note: ARES will use voice and/or digital (Winlink) radio and Internet Satellite technologies.

        K7RBG is the Roseburg Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Amateur call sign
        K7RPO is the Reedsport Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Amateur call sign
        NCS399 is the Roseburg Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Department of Homeland Security SHARES call sign
        NCS340 is the Reedsport Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Department of Homeland Security SHARES call sign

ARES® VHF net is scheduled for Monday evenings at 19:00 (7:00 pm) local time. In the greater Roseburg area use 146.900 (-) 100 Hz tone the ARES repeater on Lane Mtn. The net backup site is 145.430 (-) 88.5 Hz tone on Scott Mtn.  In the greater Reedsport area use 145.270 (-) 123 Hz tone. The systems are linked so everyone can participate.   Visitor check-ins are encouraged after the formal roll call. 

ARES® Oregon District 5 (Douglas, Josephine, Jackson, Coos and Curry County) HF NET is scheduled for Sunday at 16:30 (4:30 pm) local time on 3964 KHz LSB, 7248 KHz LSB or 1978 KHz LSB, to test radio signal stregnth and quality and discuss issues of concern to District 5 ARES members. ARES members and guests are invited to check in.

Douglas County Oregon ARES Leadership - for contact information: e-mail: DougcoARES at gmail dot com
EC Position Vacant, EC - Emergency Coordinator
Jerry Eifert, AE7ER, AEC - Assistant Emergency Coordinator (on temporary leave)
Mike Harbin, W7OVN, AEC - Assistant Emergency Coordinator
Christine Masters, AF7OK, AEC - Assistant Emergency Coordinator

    We always need more volunteers! E-mail DougcoARES at gmail dot com for more information and how you may help your community in an emergency.

Member Handbook Information:
ARES Fact Sheet (pdf)
National ARES Plan (pdf)
ICS 213 General Message Form (pdf)
ICS 214 Unit Log Form (pdf)
ICS 309 Message Log Form (pdf)
ITU Phoenetic Alphabet (pdf)
Do's and Dont's for ARES members (pdf)
Douglas County ARES linked repeater system - detailed diagram (pdf) Password required)
Emergency Action Plan Dec 6 2023 (pdf) Password required)
Member Roster 11/08/2023 (pdf) Password required)
US CoastGuard Radiotelephone Handbook(708KB pdf)
ICS Courses (Incident Command System) Link     The FEMA Website to study for and obtain training certificates for ICS 100, 200, 700 and more.

Other Links of Interest:
Winlink - Global Radio EMail
Oregon ARES
National ARES Web Site
FRS-GMRS Frequency Chart (200KB pdf)
Oregon Department of Emergency Management ARES/RACES Unit
Disaster Preparedness Brochure    Excellant Guide to Preparedness (1.3MB pdf file)
Disaster Preparedness   Are you and your family ready?
NOAA Weather Roseburg, Or
NOAA Weather Reedsport, Or
American Red Cross
Douglas County Sheriff's Office Home Page
Family Disaster Plan     Why talk about a Family Disaster Plan?
Fire Report (PDF Download - Current)       Incident management situation report
National Interagency Fire Center
Oregon Road Conditions
Umpqua Valley Amateur Radio Club (UVARC)
Weather Underground, Inc.: Oregon Conditions

ARES® and Amateur Radio Emergency Service® are registered servicemarks of the American Radio
Relay League, Incorporated .
