the purpose of this site is to maintain good info about QRP, kitbuilding, CW, electronics, and ham radio operation. the rigs section has pics of commercially available QRP rigs and the pics are linked to the vendor's site or other info. the pics section is a photo gallery of QRP pics people have sent me or that i have found on the web and each picture is clickable back to the owner's site or e-mail address. the links section contains links to kit vendors, electronic part sources, QRP club pages, and CW stuff. email me at toddandrewatkins (at) with comments or to submit your site or pics for the page. hope you enjoy your stay. 72/73 de K4MSW.     ;-)

totally QRP is maintained by todd atkins, K4MSW, in baton rouge, louisiana, usa.
latitude: 30.408 north    longitude: 91.141 west    grid square: EM40kj
QRP-L #1874    ARCI #9989    NORCAL QRP #???
page last updated: 12/20/10 | 4/18/99