Project day 1

Project Day at the Kentucky Mountains ARC has been one of the most attended activities the club sponsors.  The day is held on a  Saturday once or twice a year, and members birng kit projects, building projects, and repair projects, as well as new gear or accessories for show and tell.  There are several very technically skilled members who can usually work out most problems.  We do ask no basket cases be brought!!  On the first project day in February 1997  (l to r) KR4WI, WI4M, and WB4IEA work on a Viking Navigator to get it going again.

More than 20 members attended the first edition, and the two
sessions since have made this one of the most popular activities
of the club.

The next project day is scheduled for Saturday, March 18, 2000, at 10 AM at Mother of Good Counsel Church in Hazard.

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Revised March 12, 2000.