

About FOLI
FISTS of Long Island, (FOLI) is an association of amateur radio operators who share an interest in the history of Morse code and enjoy using and promoting this worthwhile and interesting skill on the amateur radio bands. The club call sign is K2FFF and our FISTS # is 7450.

FIST is a term used by "Ham Radio" operators as a reference to another ham's keying characteristics when sending morse code. A FIST can also be defined as an individual who is skilled in the art of Morse telegraphy. We are affiliated with the international Morse code preservation society and our purpose is to support FISTS members at the local level, improve our CW operating skills and participate in on air CW events and contests.

How the international Morse preservation society began

The first FISTS club was founded by George Longden (G3ZQS) of Darwin England, after recognizing a need for a club in which veteran operators would help new comers and less-experienced operators learn and improve CW proficiency. During the first year membership reached 300, most of whom were in Great Britain and Europe

The North American chapter was formed in 1990 to assist 11 members in the U.S. in receiving the newsletter and as a banking convenience. Nancy Kott, (WZ8C) of Hadley MI was named N. A. representative a position she still holds but now handles the affairs of over 3500 FISTS

We are honored to be associated with this well-established and recognized CW organization in the world of amateur radio. FISTS now has a membership in the thousands and growing daily.

What FISTS wants to accomplish

1. To further the use of CW on the amateur bands.
2. To encourage newcomers to the CW mode.
3. To engender friendship within the membership.


There is only one requirement to join FISTS

A love of MORSE and a concern for its perpetuation