Visit to BY1TT guys (Feb 2 2008 am) (last updated 2008/6/13)

My first appointment with radio people during my first trip to China was boys of BY1TT.  Yu Min BG1MIE with other guys kindly drove up to my hotel to pick me up.  Wang BD1JMJ kindly offered his home for my operation and meeting.

Antennas on Wang's home. His house is in middle of down town (next to Forbidden City) and (I guess) typical old Chinese house. Gate of his house. Wow !
Wang is preparing radios... ... and ready.
Jun tried to warm up 20m SSB Some of my Japanese friends called me.
Typical (??) Chinese lunch after operation. Some thing like this.
Thanks Wang, BD1JMJ, for his kind offer. With BD1PTA
BA1EC, the OT ... and BG1MIE Yu Min
All of BY1TT boys I met Wang's myna  bird calls CQ !!
The BY1TT flag.  


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