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The town of Andria is located at 55 Kms. NW from Bari, at 152 a.s.l. and at 6 Kms. from the Adriatic Sea.

It's a big agricultural center with about 99,000 peoples and stay in a healthy geographic position.

The landscape is characterized by olive-trees, that are the most important cultivation.
Still now, in spite of the reduction of the number of the cultivators, it remain the pre-eminent activity, followed by commerce, crafts-manship and industry.

In Andria, it's produced an extra virgin olive-oil, renowned all over the world.

Uncertain are the historic origins of the town. The most important domination has been Swabians, with the Emperor Frederick II who chose the town for live there and build CASTEL DEL MONTE on a wonderful hill near Andria.

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