The Scottish Borders Repeater Group

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The Scottish Borders Repeater Group provides and maintains the following repeaters now operating in the South-East of Scotland


The Group also helps to support the repeaters run independently by Jim GM7LUN below


More information on GB3BE,GB3DU and GB3LB can be found at 

At the 2022 AGM we were unable to find any volunteers to take on the Treasurer's post.
In the interim Norman GM0FTJ has kindly agreed to do the job until we can find a new volunteer.
If anyone is interested please contact Norman via e-mail below in the first instance.

Hopefully we can increase our membership for the 2024-25 year with your help please !

Ideally we need 40 members per year to sustain our funds and maintain the repeaters as they stand.

The committee for 2024/25 are as follows:

Chairman , Norman Mitchinson GM0FTJ
[email protected]

Secretary , Jim Keddie GM7LUN
[email protected]

Temporary Treasurer , Norman Mitchinson GM0FTJ
[email protected]

Other committee members:

Nigel GM7GRH
George MM0JNL

Here is a link to a downloadable subscription form
Subscription is currently £12.50 and should be sent to the Treasurer at
85 Forest Road,Selkirk,TD7 5DD, Scotland.

We prefer an internet bank transfer/standing order payment to sort code 80-18-66 , account number 00202699.
Please put your callsign in the reference field (if appropriate) so we know who you are.

Or you can make a donation below via Paypal to [email protected]


SBRG Membership List 2024/2025

SBRG Membership List 2023/2024

SBRG Membership List 2022/2023

SBRG Membership List 2021/2022

SBRG Membership List 2020/2021

SBRG Membership List 2019/2020

SBRG Membership List 2018/2019

SBRG Membership List 2017/2018

SBRG Membership List 2016/2017

SBRG Membership List 2015/2016

SBRG Membership List 2014/2015

SBRG Membership List 2013/2014

SBRG Membership List 2012/2013

SBRG Membership List 2011/2012

SBRG Membership List 2010/2011

SBRG Membership List 2009/2010

Repeater Status Information

Links Page

A bit more about the group

email [email protected] for further information