Page last updated: 02/11/2014

Phillips Simoco FM1000 series transceiver


    Often referred to as a Phillips FM1000 TXCVR, but however there is no such thing as an FM1000. Phillips made  FM1100's, FM1200's, or FM1300's. The FM1100 is the conventional FM transceiver, whilst the FM1200 although FM is  a trunked radio (similar in architecture to that of the old analogue cell phones), and the FM1300 a modified trunked radio.


    In addition the FM1000 series came with one of three head types, which could be either mounted directly on the transceiver or remotely mounted (with a boot mounted transceiver):

        1) Basic Head

        2) Standard Head

        3) Keypad Head


    Phillips documentation:


    Homebrew Basic Control Head, for use where an FM1100 transceiver is to be used as an analogue gateway or packet node.