23 November 2000

I expected it to be a lot harder to increase my score in the second leg of the ARRL EME contest. It was... I had already worked the majority of the known active stations, so I spent a lot of time searching, listening and calling CQ  to try and make some extra points.  

Signals seemed a little down from the beginning, but improved during the weekend. 

I made 19 QSO's and my final score was 84 x 32 x 100 making 268800 points.  I also increased my Initials by 1 on 25 Oct with EA8/LA8LF and by 3 during the contest weekend bringing my standings to 140 Initials, 28 Countries, 22 US States and WAC.

I found out after the contest that I had missed VK5MC on 19 Nov... my window doesn't start until 100 deg azimuth due to tree blockage.

Gotaway's that I can remember were JH3EAO, F1OAT (partial), W0KJY.

I have added some hyperlinks to my  real audio sound files, just click on the highlighted station to hear them....

25 October

Worked EA8/LA8LF 549/559 #137 Anders in Lanzarote, unfortunately he couldn't be on for the 1st leg of the contest.

18 November

0127 HB9BBD 589/569, G3LQR 549/559, DK0ZAB 559/549 dupe, F2TU 559/559 dupe, OE9ERC 58/55 ssb, EA3UM 559/559, DF3RU 549/O, G4DZU 539/539, W7CS 559/559, KD5FZX 569/529 #138, F1OAT partial 0/519???, GW3XYW 559/549, LX1DB 58/56, ON5RR 559/559, VE6NA 539/449 #139, I0UGB 53/53(9) ssb/cw, VE6TA 539/449, WA9OUU 559/569 dupe, K0YW 57/56 ssb dupe, W7QX 539/549 dupe.

19 November

0352 DF3RU 559/539 dupe, HA5SHF 529/559, WA1JOF 529/539 #140, W7GBI 559/559, DJ9YW 559/559, VE4MA O/RO, K5JL 59(9)/57 cw/ssb dupe, K2UYH 559/569 dupe, K4QI 569/569 with moon elevation at 2 deg.

Many thanks to everyone who turned out to make the highest level of activity that I've heard, and for helping with my score in the contest.


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