22 October 2000

I had an unbelievable time in the first leg of the ARRL EME Contest, and worked 65 stations giving me a contest score of 65 x 25 so far.  I also increased my initials by 13 bringing my standing to 136 Initials, 28 Countries, 22 US States and WAC.

I have had  low voltage and stability problems with the AC Mains supply for many years, making it difficult to control the PA output and tuning. This weekend I decided to try a 2.2 KVA UPS in line with mains supply to the PA to see if this would help... it certainly did, I had no problems and no need to retune. 

Here's my log for the weekend

21 October

0227 OZ4MM 559/569, OH2DG 539/559, DJ5MN 549/RO, G3LTF 559/559, JA8IAD 549/569, JH5LUZ 569/559, JA8ERE 549/559, F1ANH 559/549 #123 from new qth IN88MR, OH2AXH 579/579, OE9XXI 599/579, DF4PV 559/559, OK1CA 549/559, DH9FAG 539/549 Initial #124, OE5EYM 569/559 Initial #125, SM3AKW 569/569, DK7LJ 57/55 Initial 126, CT1DMK 549/559, PA3CSG 569/569, F5PAU 559/559, K2DH 569/569, PA3DZL 539/539, OK1UWA 549/559 Initial #127, WA4OFS 539/549, W1QC 559/559, W3XS 549/559 Initial #128, W2UHI 569/569, K2UYH 559/569, DF8QX 559/549, W6HD 569/559, OE9XXI 59/56, WD5AGO 539/559, K5JL 599/579, SM2CEW 559/559, W7QX 529/549, F6CGJ 589/579, OZ6OL 569/569, HB9BHU 539/549, W7SZ 539/539, K0YW 559/559 Initial # 129, K4QI 569/559, K3AX 549/559, WA4NJP 539/559, DL6LAU 439/449 Initial #130, WA9OUU 549/549 Initial #131.

22 October

0309 JA4BLC 549/559, ZS6AXT O/RO, JA6CZD 559/559, JF3HUC 559/559, JA7BMB 559/459, HB9SV 599/579, DK0ZAB 559/559 Initial #132, HB9Q 559/559, F5AQC 55/53, OE5JFL 569/569, F2TU 579/569, K5GW 559/559 Initial #133, K2AH 589/569, K9BCT 559/559, VE9DW (VE1ALQ) 579/579, N2IQ 589/559, IK2MMB 559/559, W1ZX 579/559, W5LUA 569/559, W4AD RO/O Initial #134, WA8WZG 549/559 Initial #135, WA9FWD 549/549 Initial #136.

1430 K2UYH 55/55... with Moon only 7 deg elevation. Also heard K3AX, K4QI, and K2DH until Moonset.

Gotaways were... DJ7MO, EA3UM,  and I0UGB


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