Tyneside Amateur Radio Society (T.A.R.S.)    G3ZQM

A few links to get you started...

First and probably the most important one, the Radio Society of Great Britain [RSGB]. This Society aims to co-ordinate the interests and efforts of amateur radio in Great Britain and has links with similar bodies throughout the world.   It also liaises with various government and other bodies to ensure that the interests of amateur radio are not overlooked when important decisions are taken. There are more links on this site although you will have to become a member of the Society in order to obtain access to all the site contents.

Another useful site which has many links is that of Andy Gayne G7KPF. Here you can for instance access information about DXpeditions, solar propagation, societies, antennas, equipment and many other topics. Yet another very useful one comes from the pen of Jim Dunnett G4RGA. These sites in turn will lead you to many others from which you can build up your own lists.  They're regularly updated and there are very many useful links.

Useful too is the web site of the American Radio Relay League [ARRL] - the US equivalent of the RSGB. Here too you will find plenty to take you forward.

Our own hosting site, QSL NET has plenty of links too, though the majority have a US flavour.

It must be said though that simply entering "amateur radio" into any of the popular search engines will bring you a lot of links, perhaps too many to begin with.

Finally, much nearer to home, some other Clubs and Societies in the North-East of England have web pages too, and you might like to have a look at them as well:

Tynemouth Amateur Radio Club - [TARC]    Active Club which meets regularly.

South Tyneside Amateur Radio Society - [STARS]    (Not sure how active they are but worth a look.)

Northumbria Amateur Radio Society - Link details pending.

Great Lumley Amateur Radio Society - This Society is quite active and holds regular meetings.

Bishop Auckland Amateur Radio Club - amongst other things, this Club, like the Great Lumley Club, holds an Annual Rally.

Last updated January, 2005