Welcome to my Website. I have set this up to house learning material for people interested in obtaining an Amateur Radio Licence or for upgrading their current licence. There are lessons together with practice multi-choice questions that will be marked as you go along! In time I will try to provide feedback for all questions.

If you want to become a Radio Amateur, exams are held at various places in Great Britain. To find the nearest Exam Centre click on this link to the RSGB website. Some centres provide instruction, others only act as examination centres. The lessons provided here will help you to prepare for the examinations.

There are three types of licence; Foundation, Intermediate and Full. You have to start at Foundation level and then move on to Intermediate level and finally to the Advanced level to obtain a Full licence. Each level allows you greater privileges.

The links to the left provided access to the learning materials required for each level. In each lesson the text in brown is what the syllabus says you need to know and the text in black together with the images will help you to understand and learn the material. When you have completed a lesson try the multi-choice questions. Different people learn in different ways. My advice is to keep a notebook or document file to summarise the key points. You can add to this  information obtained from other sources. A key set of resources are the books produced by the RSGB. Click here for more detail.

My own call sign is G3ZPD (Jim) and I obtained my licence in 1970. I enjoy building radio equipment and experimenting with antennas and new modes. I am a member of the Workington Radio Club. My e-mail address is:

 [email protected]

If you need help please feel free to contact me.