
Licence terms and conditions. Assessable items as shown in assessment objectives.
2c.1 Recall the requirements for station identification.
  • A station must give his/her callsign at the start of each transmission and every 15 minutes after that.
  • The callsign must be sent in the same mode as used for communication. I.e. if the communication method used is FM then the callsign has to be given in FM. This means that using an automatic chip capable of sending the callsign in Morse Code could not be used when using SSB for communication.
  • A station must give their callsign when they move frequency.

2c.2 Recall the requirement to send messages only to other amateurs.
Amateurs are allowed to send messages to other amateurs only. So it would not be legal to send a message to non-amateurs or to have a contact with a non-amateur station.

2c.3 Recall that secret codes are not permitted.
Amateurs are not allowed to send coded signals that can only be understood by the receiving station. Morse Code is allowed because other stations may understand Morse Code. The same applies to data modes such as psk. These use a code to send the message over the radio, but anyone can download a program to decode psk, therefore this is legal.

2c.4 Recall that broadcasting is not permitted.
An amateur is not allowed to send a broadcast to anyone listening. This might include music, or the type of program you might receive on a domestic radio. The only exception to this are RSGB news broadcasts and slow morse transmissions. Both of these have special permission.

2c.5 Recall that only the licensee, or another UK licensed amateur operating under his or her supervision, may use the Radio Equipment.
Radio transmitting equipment can only be used by the licensee or another UK licenced amateur. The licensee should supervise the operation.
If the licensee has a Foundation Licence the equipment should be used under the Foundation restrictions e.g no more than 10 Watts output.
An Intermediate and Full licensee holder could use the equipment and the Owners callsign using Foundation licence restrictions. An Intermediate and Full licensee holder could use the equipment with their own callsign and with the power level permitted by their licence.

Recall that in certain circumstances the licensee may allow the equipment to be used by a member of a User Service.
Note that the nature of the circumstances and the identity of the user services are not examinable.

Under certain circumstances (for example in an emergency or in a practice for an emergency) a licensee may allow his/her equipment to be used by members of what are called User Services (e.g. the police and fire services).

2c.6 Recall the requirement to notify Ofcom of change of address.
If a licensee changes address they must inform Ofcom. This can be done on-line. It is important that a licensee's details are kept up-to-date.

2c.7 Recall that a person authorised by Ofcom has the right to inspect, require the modification, close down or restrict the operation of the Radio Equipment.

Ofcom or someone authorised by them can force you to change the way you use your station. here are some examples:
  • They have a right to inspect your station at any reasonable time. This might occur if they suspect you are using too much power or causing interference.
  • They have the right to force you to modify your equipment. For example if you are transmitting a signal outside the amateur bands they could force you to fit a suitable filter before you are allowed to transmit again.
  • They have the right to force you to close down your station. This could occur if you are causing severe interferance to local radio users.
  • They have the right to restrict you to certain bands. For example if you are causing interferance when you operate on 40m they could force you to stop operating on this band until the problem had been solved.

2c.8 (VHF)
2c.9 (HF)
Understand and apply the Schedule to the licence.
Identify allowable frequencies and power limits.

When you receive a licence you also receive a piece of paper showing which frequencies you are allowed to operate on and how much power you can use. This is called "The Schedule".
In the exam you may be asked questions about The Schedule. Fortunately you do not have to learn this because you will be provided with a copy. You do need to familiarise yourself with it so that you can answer exam questions quickly. Click this button to see the Foundation Schedule.