WNLS - White Noise Listening Society

WNLS was a group of radio amateurs who liked contesting and drinking beer, in equal measures! We did not do serious contests, only for fun, under various callsigns inc G0WNL and M5ADE. The group is no more: we lost our excellent VHF location after the land was sold for houses, several people lost interest in amateur radio, and at least one member is SK.

We were called 'White Noise Listeners' because we were all keen 6m operators and, if you know the 6m band, you will know that a LOT of time is spent listening to white noise rather than working DX.

Members included Darrell (G0HVQ), Peter (G7ETZ), Ade (M5ADE), Glyn (G7HTS), Mark (G0TYA), Gif (G7BPX), Steve (G7EUW), Ian (M0BCG), Stu (G0LGS) and Matt (2E0MDJ).

We entered the UK Six Metre Group Summer Es contest most years, and usually came either first or second in our category

1999 UKSMG Certificate

Most of the time it goes right, here we are at one of the highest points in Gloucestershire operating on 6m with a 7 element long yagi and 400W.

7 ele on 6m

Occasionally it all goes wrong.....


And occasionally it all gets too much more the 'more mature' members of the group.....G7ETZ (SK) having an afternoon sleep after a hard day's contesting (or beer drinking)....

G7ETZ asleep

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Page updated 21 Oct 2005