It was amazing to see so many Soviet made Lada vehicles on streets of Addis. Blue ones are actually taxi cabs. Most of them are over 25 years old. I was wondering how do they manage to maintain and get spares!
Ethiopia was giong to celebrate Millennium during my stay there in August 2007. Yes, don't be surprised, the Ethiopian calendar (or Ge'ez Calendar) was celebrating its Millennium in 2007. National flags everywhere, colorful lights on the streets and marching musicians were creating a festive atmosphere. I was not lucky enough to stay in the country just few days more to see the celebration itself.
I forgot the name of this Cathedral. It is the biggest one in Addis and is on the way from the airport. In fact it was not even possible to take photographs closer from within the premises. I was denied when I asked the security at the gate. Therefore I made few shots from across the road. If you know the name of the Cathedral, please send me an e-mail.
Statue of Abba Selama (father of Peace), known also as Frumentius, who was the first Archbishop of Ethiopia.
St. George Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Addis.
The Blessed Virgin holding Ethiopia in her hands.
A 19th century icon at the St. George museum in Addis.
Can you see them? .. Vultures at the background of HF broadband dipole antenna.
Gambella, Western Ethiopia.
A ceramic work found just lying on the ground.
Gambella, Western Ethiopia.
Road from Gambella to Fugnido. Baboons are quite an often meet here
Travelling the road to Fugnido (Western Ethiopia) is not always safe. Only convoy of two and more vehicles is allowed.
Refugee children in Fugnido camp.
An unexpected neighborhood.
We were having our usual breakfast at "Ethiopia" hotel in Gambella when these graceful monkeys suddenly appeared.
Gambella, Westen Ethiopia.
A crane flying over Baru river.
Gambella, Western Ethiopia.
Baru river. Gambella, Western Ethiopia.
Ethiopia is covered with different climatic zones. There are highlands in central part of the country and it is a dry desert in the East. Gambella and Assosa are green and wet areas. That is why when there is a drought in Somali region; it can be flooding in the West.
Floods in Gambella region.
Floods in Gambella region.
Floods in Gambella region.
Davit Aragaw (right), WFP Ethiopia Electrical Technician. His grandfather was an architect, he was educated in Italy together with a group of Armenian architects and learning the unique style he was the one who projected the Armenian St. George Church in Addis.
Streets of Jijiga, Somali Region of Ethiopia. It is located in the East and is mostly covered with dry desert.
Equilibrated rocks. This natural phenomenon can be found if you drive from Dire Dawa to Jijiga. Rocks are actually balancing on their own and it seems that a little breeze can throw them off the column. … See the next picture.
... However, these rocks are staunch for centuries.
Pedestrian ;) ...
Jijiga - Dire-Dawa road. Somali Region.
Sunset on Wabe Shabele river. Gode, Somali Region.
On the 16th January 2005, the Armenian Community in Ethiopia witnessed one of its memorable days, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of St. George (Kevork) Armenian Apostolic Church of Addis Ababa,
the capital of Ethiopia.
Interior of St. George Armenian Church in Addis.
Interior of St. George Armenian Church in Addis.
No particular meaning in this picture. .. Perhaps just a beauty of geometry :)
UN parking lot in Addis.
Mission is done. Flying back to Uganda.