Radio in Ireland
the Society
The Irish Radio
Transmitters Society (IRTS) is the national
society for Radio Experimenters in Ireland. Its
purpose is to encourage radio experimentation, to
provide services to experimenters and to
represent their interests locally and
internationally. The IRTS is the member society
for Ireland of the International Amateur Radio
Union (IARU). The Society is represented at
major international conferences, and -through the
IARU has regular contact with sister societies
worldwide.The IRTS has more than 1000 members.
The administration of the Society, and all other
work done by its officers on behalf of the
Society and its members, is done on a voluntary
of Telecommunications Regulation
The IRTS has regular
meetings with officials in the Office of the
Director of Telecommunications Regulation. Some
of the matters which the Society has negotiated
in recent years are the implementation of the
CEPT international licence, the reduction in the
minimum age of experimenters to 14 years of age,
an extension in the bands which a newly-licensed
amateur may use, the use of full power in part of
the 160 metre band and greater use of the 50 MHz
QSL Bureau
Members can avail of the
Bureau facilities, free of charge. Cards are sent
and received to and from all the international
bureaus, and incoming cards are sent to members
on a regular basis.
Radio News
Service and Newsletter
A news bulletin is
prepared and transmitted on HF and VHF each week
to keep members in touch with events at home and
abroad. A regular Newsletter is also sent to
Book Sales
The IRTS operates a
comprehensive mail order book sales service and
has a book stand at radio rallies countrywide.
For those interested in
the competitive aspect of the hobby, the Society
promotes three Field Days every year, as well as
two 2-metre counties contests. In addition, the
Society encourages local interest in other
contests, by awarding trophies to the top El
stations in many of the major international
Awards are made annually
at the Annual General Meeting. These awards go to
contest winners, to members for work in the
construction of radio equipment and for service
to Amateur Radio. The Society also sponsors the
Worked El Counties (WEIC) award, available to
licensed amateurs worldwide who have worked
stations in at least 20 El counties. The Worked
All Ireland (WAI) award scheme is sponsored and
managed by the Galway VHF Group on behalf of the
Society. The WEIC and WAI awards are designed to
promote friendship through Amateur Radio, and to
promote activity in Ireland.
Video Library
A range of radio related
videos is maintained by the Society and these can
be borrowed free of charge by members.
Morse Tests
By agreement with The
Office of the Director of Telecommunications
Regulation, the IRTS provides Morse Tests on a
'walk in' basis at all major rallies. These tests
are available to members and non members alike.
the Society
Irish Radio
Transmitters Society,
P.O Box 462,
Dublin 9,
E-mail : [email protected]
World Wide Web :