DXpedition to Haiti 

   Jan 30th - Feb 14th, 2003              

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About Haiti

Area: 27.750 qkm.

Population: 7.803.000 (1998).

Population density: 281 pro qkm.

 Capital: Port-au-Prince.  Inhabitants: 884.472 (1996).

Haiti, where voodoo drums echo from the jungle during moonlit nights
Here is one of the most exotic destinations on earth. 
Haiti is an Indian word meaning �high ground�. It is the Caribbean�s most mountainous country. Except for a few small, mainly coastal plains and the central Artibonite River valley, the entire country is a mass of ranges. The highest peak is the 2,674m La Selle, southeast of the capital.

The main regions still regularly receiving abundant rainfall are the southwest peninsula and the eastern two thirds of the northern seaboard. The Republic of Haiti occupies the western third of the island. In the north is the mountain-top Citadelle la Ferriere, built by Henry Christopher, born a slave in the English Caribbean. He rose from stable boy to His Haitian Majesty, King Henri Christophe. Haitian Cr�ole is the only language of 85 percent of its inhabitants, evolved from French into a distinct language. The other 15 percent speak Cr�ole and French. About 95 percent are of virtually pure African descent. The rest are mostly mulattoes, the descendants of unions between French masters and African slaves. Haiti is famous for being the only country to have a successful slave revolt; whites have not governed for two centuries. As a result, African customs persist strongly and most noticeable in language, art, music, dance and religion, where voodoo is widely practiced. Nevertheless, the influence of former French colonists and merchants is still evident, particularly in architecture, with many old buildings enhanced by the gingerbread style of elaborate fretwork, balconies and decorated gables.

Haiti was once the New World's richest place and the crown jewel of the French overseas empire.

Now some words in German:

GEOGRAPHIE: Haiti liegt im bewaldeten und gebirgigen Westteil der Insel Hispaniola, der zweitgr��ten Antillen-Insel. Der Ostteil der Insel wird von der Dominikanischen Republik eingenommen. Zum Staatsgebiet von Haiti geh�ren die �le de la Gon�ve im gleichnamigen Golf, die Insel La Tortue n�rdlich der Hauptinsel und Ile a Vache im S�den. Die K�ste bietet Buchten und Str�nde im Wechsel mit �ppiger subtropischer Vegetation. Der Naturhafen von Port-au-Prince liegt an einer tiefen, hufeisenf�rmigen Bucht.

STAATSFORM: Pr�sidialrepublik seit 1987. Verfassung von 1987. Zweikammerparlament: Abgeordnetenhaus mit 82 Mitgliedern, Senat mit 27 Mitgliedern. Staatsoberhaupt: Jean Bertrand Aristide, seit 2001. Regierungschef: Yvon Neptune, seit 2002. Unabh�ngig seit 1804 (ehemalige franz�sische Kolonie).

SPRACHE: Franz�sisch und Kreolisch (Mischung aus Franz�sisch, Englisch, Spanisch und westafrikanischen Sprachen), das von rund 85% der Bev�lkerung gesprochen wird. In Touristengebieten wird h�ufig auch Englisch gesprochen.

RELIGION: �berwiegend r�misch-katholisch (80%), Protestanten (10%). Voodoo-Kulte bei etwa 70% der Bev�lkerung verbreitet. Obwohl mitunter als �Schwarze Magie� angesehen, handelt es sich um eine volkst�mliche Religion mit Tanzritualen und Ges�ngen.

ORTSZEIT: MEZ - 6 (UTC - 5), April bis Oktober: MEZ - 5 (UTC - 4).



CURRENCY: 1 Gourde (Gde) = 100 Centimes
5 Gourde = 1 Haiti Dollar



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Middle and South America



The hotel "Port Morgan" is  our planned location

The operators:

       DL7CM - Hans     DM2AYO - Sid


Operator Hans HH6/DL7CM

DXpedition Infos

Callsigns  HH6/DL7CM      HH6/DM2AYO 
Date of operation  Jan. 30th - Feb. 14th, 2003
QTH   Hotel "Port Morgan" on Ile a Vache, opposite of Les Cayes,   Locator: FK38DC     IOTA: NA-149
Operators  Hans - DL7CM, Sid - DM2AYO
Bands and modes  160 mtrs to 6 mtrs, cw, ssb, rtty / emphasis lowband, rtty, 6 mtrs
Equipment  2 stns with 1 amp,    ant: for lowbands: GP (27mtrs);   for high bands: 5-band beam and 8-band GP,   4 el for 6mtrs
QSL  via homecall DL7CM or DM2AYO 

Who ask for more power:  one watt RF costs one Haitian Dollar


Any Donations welcome

Each greenstamp will help

Our route:

Flight Berlin to Puerto Plata, by car to Santo Domingo, Flight to Port au Prince, by car to Les Cayes, by boat to Ile a Vache

... and of course also  return

Our costs:
$US 2.340 Flights and other transportations
$US 200 Excess baggage
$US 2.200 Accomodation + radio shack
$US 1.000 others (lot of bribe)

QSL-Info:  DL7CM QSL-Info: DM2AYO  
Hans-Rainer Uebel
Hartmannsdorfer Chaussee 3
15528 Spreenhagen
Siegfried Blechschmidt
Brassenpfad 66
12557 Berlin

I answer all QSL's on same way I get but...

A smakker for enough value      A letter outside of Europe costs 1,53 Euro. That means 2 green stamps!! Thank you.

Do not use stamped envelopes or IBRS.


HH6/..... - Logsearch and statistic

Your callsign:


Your callsign:



  160 80 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6 all
cw 451 1213 1447 1713 611 779 1045 1066 1243 6 9.574
ssb 0 109 4 0 37 244 686 445 878 42 2.445
  451 1322 1451 1713 648 1043 1731 1511 2121 48 12.019


QSO's all together:

160 80 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6 all
451 1323 1451 1713 1285 1155 2734 1619 3000 120 14.851

 Thanks to our sponsors:   click the sponsor to go there ...

Thanks also for help:
- HH2JR, Jean-Robert
- DJ6OI (Tom), DM5TI (Hartmut),  DL2OE (Mike)
- A. Kobilke KOBI-RENT
- K4QD (Jan), DL1DA (Conny)
- ZX-Yagi
... and this spot 

     could be yours


... and of course thanks to everybody he did work us...


- The big ?? Airline LTU is not goodwill to recognize amateur radio equipment as sporting apparatus.
They put their eyes only for surfer and mountainbiker...

- NCDXF answered: uninterested for US!  ?? How many US-calls will be in the log this times??
Same answer we got for H7DX last year. We made 34.260 qso's. A quarter of that US-stations. Really so uninterested for US??

- SMIRK, IREF, DXLovers (JA) : they didn't answer at all