Welcome to DL6QA´s home page


Willkommen - Irasshai-mase - Benvenuti - Bienvenue -

Bienvenido - Selamat datang - Altijd welkom - Mabuhay


Main topic: DL6QA Magnetic Loop Antenna


The main topic of this site is dedicated to the sole purpose of furthering the abilities and
interest of Amateur Radio


Japanese report how I got acquainted to CW in Kobe/Japan 1943

Druckvolle CW Signale mit magnetischen Antennen


If you wish to contact me please mail.



All content and personal photos published in this document are  © F. Flakowski / 2001 - 2011. Layout and design of this homepage are property of F.Flakowski.

Visit the homepage of my son.
(Topic: Creative photography)

Visit my 2nd homepage at the German Amateur Radio Club DARC.
(Topic: DL6QA Magnetic Loop