DL4YHF's Amateur Radio Software:
DLL interface for digital communication
Note: This project is no longer supported ! Maybe the DLL interface will be updated in future, but due to a lack of interest there is no work going on at the moment. To ease the implementation of new communication modes, Spectrum Lab had an open DLL interface. From the user's point of view, it works like this:
That's just the basic concept. The digimode DLLs can be implemented in any
programming language which is capable to generate DLLs for Win95/98 etc.
Detailed information can be found in the following documents: digm_dll.txt (a textfile explaining the 'digimode DLL' interface) digmdelp.zip (a DLL skeleton for DELPHI programmers) digmcpp.zip (a DLL skeleton for C++ programmers)
If you plan to use the DLL interface in your own program, send me an
email to make sure you have the latest
interface documentation and demo sources, because I don't upload them
after minor changes. |
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