KyteLabs InfoBase - Electron Tubes & Valves Data Last modified: 2016-11-25 (18650)


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1.9 Anzeigeröhren und optische Spezialröhren - Strahlungserzeuger und Detektoren
Electron-Ray Indicators and Display Tubes - Radiation Emitters and Detectors

1.9.1 Abstimmanzeigen - Magische Augen
Tuning Indicators - Magic Eyes

1629 ... HM71

Hoch - UpRunter - Down  Equiv. Uf If Base w Art - Type = Anwendung - Application Ref *?
1629 -12.60.15 7AL T9  Electron-Ray Tube = Indicator with Triode Rca44
EM11 -6.30.2 St-8CM1 45Magisches Auge - Electron-Ray Tube = Doppelbereich-Abstimmanzeige - Dual-Range Tuning Indicator Rwn53 Tfk42
EM71 -6.30.3 Lo-8CM1  Electron-Ray Tube = Tuning Indicator Ftb50
EM171 -6.30.2 Gn-8CM1  Electron-Ray Tube = Dual-Range Tuning Indicator Ftb51
HM71 -12.60.15 Lo-8CM1  Electron-Ray Tube = Tuning Indicator Fri70
  VA g 

1.9.2 Elektronenstrahlröhren für Oszilloskope mit statischer Ablenkung
Oscilloscope Cathode Ray Tubes with Static Deflection

Hoch - UpRunter - Down  Equiv. Uf If Base Dia. Len. Dpk Dps Fluor. Phos. Pers. Ref *?
-6.30.6 Dh-12G1 78261-- ge-gnge-gnmittel
B7S2 -6.30.34 Sp-14G2 78184symsym grün-kurz Rft67
B7S2 N -6.30.34 Sp-14G2 78184symsym bl-gngrünmittel Rft67
B7S4 DH7-786.30.34 Sp- 14G1B 77.5273symsym grün-kurz Rft67
B7S4 N DN7-786.30.34 Sp- 14G1B 77.5273symsym bl-gngrünmittel Rft67
B7S401 DH7-116.30.09 Sp- 14G1B 77.5273symsym grün-kurz Rft67
B7S401 N DN7-116.30.09 Sp- 14G1B 77.5273symsym bl-gngrünmittel Rft67
D3-10 GJ -6.30.08 11V 31.890.5symsym ge-gnge-gn25 Tfk66
D7-15 BG -6.30.3 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym blaubl-ws0.6 Tfk66
D7-15 GH -6.30.3 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym grüngrün0.04 Tfk66
D7-15 GJ -6.30.3 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym ge-gnge-gn25 Tfk66
D7-15 GL -6.30.3 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym ge-gnge-gn0.1 Tfk66
D7-15 GM -6.30.3 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym blauge-gn500 Tfk66
D7-16 GJ -6.30.08 Sp-11G2 76.2148sym
ge-gnge-gn25 Tfk66
D7-16 GM -6.30.08 Sp-11G2 76.2148sym
blauge-gn500 Tfk66
D7-17 BG -6.30.08 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym blaubl-ws0.6 Tfk66
D7-17 GH -6.30.08 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym grüngrün0.04 Tfk66
D7-17 GJ -6.30.08 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym ge-gnge-gn25 Tfk66
D7-17 GL -6.30.08 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym ge-gnge-gn0.1 Tfk66
D7-17 GM -6.30.08 Sp-11G3 76.2292symsym blauge-gn500 Tfk66
D8-11 BG -6.30.1 Sp-13G1 78.6x 38.7215symsym blaubl-ws0.6 Tfk66
D8-11 GJ -6.30.1 Sp-13G1 78.6x 38.7215symsym ge-gnge-gn25 Tfk66
D8-11 GM -6.30.1 Sp-13G1 78.6x 38.7215symsym blauge-gn500 Tfk66
D13-40 GH -6.30.3 Sp-14G3 133332symsym grüngrün0.04 Tfk66
DB3-12 1FP356.30.3 11V 31.890.5symsym blaubl-ws0.01-1.0 Tfk66
DB7-11 -6.30.095 Sp-14G1 76.8268symsym blau-0.01-1.0 Val62
DB7-12 C -6.30.3 Dh-12G1 76.2157.5sym
blaubl-ws0.01-1.0 Tfk66
DB7-14 -6.30.3 Dh- 12G1A 76.2237sym
blaubl-ws0.01-1.0 Tfk66
DB7-78 3BKP116.30.3 Sp-14G1 76.8268symsym blau-0.01-1.0 Val62
DB9-3 -4.01.0 Sp-9G2 103332symasy blau-- Phi45
DB9-4 -4.01.0 Sp-9G2 97.5326symsym blau-- Phi49
DB9-5 -4.01.0 Sp-9G2A 97.5326symasy blau-- 226 Phi49
DB10-3 -4.00.56 Sp-9G1 97.5326symasy blau-kurz Phi53
DB10-5 -4.00.56 Sp-9G1A 97.5326symasy blaublau0.01-1.0 226 Val62
DG3-12 A 1FP16.30.3 11V 31.890.5symsym ge-gnge-gn1.0-100 Tfk66
DG7-12 C -6.30.3 Dh-12G1 76.2157.5sym
ge-gnge-gn1.0-100 Tfk66
DG7-14 -6.30.3 Dh- 12G1A 76.2237sym
grüngrün0.01-1.0 Tfk66
DG7-52 A 3BNP16.30.3 Dh-12G1 76.2157.5sym
ge-gnge-gn1.0-100 Tfk66
DG9-3 -4.01.0 Sp-9G2 103332symasy grün-- Phi45
DG9-4 -4.01.0 Sp-9G2 97.5326symsym grün-- Phi49
DG9-5 -4.01.0 Sp-9G2A 97.5326symasy grün-- 226 Phi49
DG10-3 -4.00.56 Sp-9G1 97.5326symasy ge-gn-mittel Phi53
DG10-5 -4.00.56 Sp-9G1A 97.5326symasy ge-gnge-gn1.0-100 226 Val62
DH7-11 -6.30.095 Sp-14G1 76.8268symsym bl-gngrün0.01-1.0 Val62
DH7-78 3BKP316.30.3 Sp-14G1 76.8268symsym bl-gngrün0.01-1.0 Val62
DN7-11 -6.30.095 Sp-14G1 76.8268symsym grün-0.01-1.0 Val62
DN7-12 C -6.30.3 Dh-12G1 76.2157.5sym
ge-gnge-gn0.01-1.0 Tfk66
DN7-14 -6.30.3 Dh- 12G1A 76.2237sym
ge-gnge-gn0.01-1.0 Tfk66
DN7-78 3BKP26.30.3 Sp-14G1 76.8268symsym grün-0.01-1.0 Val62
DN9-3 -4.01.0 Sp-9G2 103332symasy ge-gnge-gnlang Phi45
DN9-4 -4.01.0 Sp-9G2 97.5326symsym ge-gnge-gnlang Phi49
DN9-5 -4.01.0 Sp-9G2A 97.5326symasy ge-gnge-gnlang 226 Phi49
DP7-11 -6.30.095 Sp-14G1 76.8268symsym pu-blge-gn100- 1000 Val62
DP7-12 C -6.30.3 Dh-12G1 76.2157.5sym
blauge-gn100- 1000 Tfk66
DP7-14 -6.30.3 Dh- 12G1A 76.2237sym
blauge-gn100- 1000 Tfk66
DP7-78 3BKP76.30.3 Sp-14G1 76.8268symsym pu-blge-gn100- 1000 Val62
DR10-3 -4.00.56 Sp-9G1 97.5326symasy gn-gegn-gelang Phi53
DR10-5 -4.00.56 Sp-9G1A 97.5326symasy gn-gegn-gelang 226 Phi53
  VA  mmmm ms  

1.9.6 Ziffernanzeigeröhren
Numerical Indicator Tubes - Nixies®

Hoch - UpRunter - Down  Equiv. h Base TypeApplications Ref *?
Z510M -15.5 Sp-13M1 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 Phi60
Z560M -15.5 Sp-13M1 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 188 Wfb67
Z561M -15.5 Sp-13M2 Symbol Indicator+ – ~ % A V Ohm Display 188 Wfb67
Z570M -13 Sm-13M1 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 188 Wfb67
Z5600M -15.5 Sp-13M1 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 189 Wfb67
Z5610M -15.5 Sp-13M2 Symbol Indicator+ – ~ % A V Ohm Display 189 Wfb67
Z5700M -13 Sm-13M1 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 189 Wfb67
ZM1020 Z520M15.5 Sp-13M1 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 188 Tfk67
ZM1021 Z521M15.5 Sp-13M2 Symbol Indicator+ – ~ % A V Ohm Display 188 Tfk67
ZM1022 -15.5 Sp-13M1 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 189 Phi69
ZM1023 -15.5 Sp-13M2 Symbol Indicator+ – ~ % A V Ohm Display 189 Phi69
ZM1024 -15.5 Sp-13M4 Symbol Indicatorc/s Kc/s Mc/s µs ms ns s Display 188 Phi70
ZM1025 -15.5 Sp-13M4 Symbol Indicatorc/s Kc/s Mc/s µs ms ns s Display 189 Phi69
ZM1040 Z522M31 Sp-13M3 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 188 Val63
ZM1041 -20 Sp-13M5 Numerical Indicator+ – Symbol Display 188 Phi69 Val71
ZM1042 -31 Sp-13M3 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 189 Phi69 Val71
ZM1043 -20 Sp-13M5 Numerical Indicator+ – Symbol Display 189 Phi69 Val71
ZM1043 -20 Sp-13M5 Numerical Indicator+ – Symbol Display 189 Phi69 Val71
ZM1080 -13 Sm-13M1 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 188 Phi70 Tfk67
ZM1081 -10.5 Sm-4M3 Symbol Indicator+ – ~ Display 188 Phi70
ZM1082 -13 Sm-13M1 Numerical IndicatorDecimal Display 0...9 189 Phi70
ZM1083 -10.5 Sm-4M1 Symbol Indicator+ – ~ Display 189 Phi70

1.9.7 Photozellen
Photo Tubes

Hoch - UpRunter - Down  Equiv. s Base Type Applications Ref *?
3545 - 25 Sp-3P1 Vacuum Photo Tube Red and Infrared Detector Val62
3546 - 150 Sp-3P1 Gas-Filled Photo Tube Red and Infrared Detector Val62
3554 - 150 Ux-4P1 Gas-Filled Photo Tube Red and Infrared Detector Val62
5581 - 135 Oc-5P1 Gas-Filled Photo Tube Sound Reproduction Rca58
5583 - 135 Sp-3P1 Gas-Filled Photo Tube Sound Reproduction Rca58
5584 - 120 Ux-4PP1 Gas-Filled Dual Photo Tube Sound Reproduction Rca58

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Copyright © 2016Franz Hamberger, Berlin, Germany
RSQ7,5/0,6 RS381

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