Central Wisconsin Repeater Association, Inc

Madison, Wisconsin


146.880 MHz

146.940 MHz


Board of Directors

News Letter 







Meeting will be at the TBD

The CWRA Board of Directors would like to envite everyone to attended this years annual meeting. You will have a good time and a lot of discussion will take place concerning the the club.

The 2025 meeting will be held on TBD with lunch at 1:00 PM and the meeting at 2:00 PM.

The CWRA annual meeting is open to anyone who is interested in using the clubs 2 repeater systems. If you are not a member or would like to renew your membership, this is a great place to sign up.

Annual Meeting Time Schedule

  • 1:00 PM - Order lunch from the menu - anything you want.

  • 2:00 PM - Annual Meeting - CWRA Club Business

  • Fellowship to follow the meeting.

Business Meeting Agenda

  • The Repeaters. How are they doing?

  • Open discussion. Talk about whatever you want to talk about.

We urge everyone to come to the annual meetings. This is your opportunity to have a say in what is happening with CWRA. The Board of Directors meet about 5 times per year to discuss any CWRA business at hand. The annual meeting is the place for the general membership to participate in what is going on.

If you enjoy use of the CWRA repeaters or if you care at all about the what is happening with the club, then you really need to be at this meeting. This is your club, it exists solely for your enjoyment. You do have a say in what is going on. Please don't rely on the Board members for all the decisions. You need to participate. Get involved!

Express your thoughts and concerns. Share your thoughts with others. Maybe we can change something. Or you can find out why something can't be changed. Then it won't bug ya so much!

For more annual meeting details, please contact Duane, N9DG

Central Wisconsin Repeater Association
855 19th Street
Prairie du Sac, WI
E-mail: CWRA

146.880 MHz | 146.940 MHz | Membership | Board of Directors
News Letter | Links | About

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Jims Photos, N9KAN


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