CENTRAL HIGHLANDS AMATEUR RADIO CLUB OF TASMANIA COMMITTEE President - Claureen VK3KMB Miena Hamfest This is the big VK7 hamfest that happens every two years in the Central Highlands of Tasmania thanks to the Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club of Tasmania. Miena is booked for the 1st December 2012 with the usual line up of traders making the journey across the ditch. As in the past we hope for a successful day with lucky door prizes and excellent BBQ food. Entry fee of $5.00 per family or person will apply and entitle you to participate in the raffle. If any club or individual would like a display table could they please contact me on 0429123080 nice an early would be appreciated" I live in hope" HI HI. I will advise you further as we work our way through the logistics, but we are hoping to have all major brands of transceivers for sale, with a possibility that we may have Kenwood's new offering the TS 990 to drool over. So lock it into your diaries now – Saturday 1st December 2012. See you there. (Dave, VK7OB)
President Claureen, vk3kmb, presenting John, vk3mgz, with the CHARCT annual award which is given out to a deserving member. This is decided upon by the previous recipient who was Col, VK3COL. Next year John gets the opportunity to pass it on to someone else. Congratulations John, you deserve it. Well done. CLUB NETS Thursday night 3.585 mhz starting at 20.00 Eastern Summer
Time with the first half hour for the
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