Antenna CB-old, without radial
Alternatively, go to a store to buy aluminum. Around 5:20 into the tubes with each other
-6 Copper with about 5.40 meters
-3 Screw nut
-3 To 4 clamps
-1 Iron work
-1tubo with about 1 meter

Old CB antenna coil removed, enjoy and take a cleaning aluminum.
Usually the CB antenna is about 6 meters we need only 5.20 meters
This antenna only tunes to about 1 meter from the floor ... so it's necessary to mount the vertical so that it can tune with the clamps (you have to do some tears with a saw in the tubes)
After the vertical mounted with about 5.20 m mount the 6 radial copper wire of about 5.30 meters with the screws.
Connect the live cable to aluminum with the support and the mass radial copper.
Stick on earth iron work vertically and mount the antenna so that there will be higher than a meter, Stretch the 6 radial copper wire so that 360 º remain divided
Now has the job of tuning .... What is the funniest of it all ... Good luck
My on 14200th mhz in the pointer doen´t move or swr