The BPF Indicator in the IC-746Pro

The functionality of the BPF Indicator feature in the IC-746Pro and IC-7400 is identical to that in the IC-756Pro series, except for the display. Instead of the BPF icon, various filter passband icons are displayed, as shown in the following screenshots (images courtesy George, W5YR).

Filter Selection Screenshots Operating Screenshots (Filter Selected)
Fig.1: 800Hz non-BPF. BW icon: long baseline. Fig. 2: 800Hz non-BPF. Trapezoidal BW icon.
Fig.1: 800Hz non-BPF. BW icon: long baseline. Fig. 2: 800Hz non-BPF. Trapezoidal BW icon.
Fig.3: 450Hz BPF. BW icon: short baseline. Fig.4: 450Hz BPF. Keystone BW icon.
Fig.3: 450Hz BPF. BW icon: short baseline. Fig.4: 450Hz BPF. Keystone BW icon.
Fig.5: 500Hz non-BPF.  * = set via Twin PBT. Fig. 6: 500Hz non-BPF. Trapezoidal BW icon and *.
Fig.5: 500Hz non-BPF.  * = set via Twin PBT. Fig. 6: 500Hz non-BPF. Trapezoidal BW icon and *.


  1. On the IC-746Pro filter selection screen, the exact equivalent of the BPF Indicator is a short baseline below the BW (IF passband icon) in the bottom section of the display. This is illustrated in Figure 3.

  2. On the IC-746Pro operating screen, the exact equivalent of the BPF Indicator is a keystone-shaped IF passband icon in the bottom right-hand corner  of the display (above SCP). This is illustrated in Figure 4.

  3. On the IC-746Pro filter selection screen, a long baseline below the BW (IF passband) icon in the bottom section of the display indicates a non-BPF shape factor. This is illustrated in Figures 1 and 5.

  4. On the IC-746Pro operating screen, a trapezoidal IF passband icon in the bottom right-hand corner  of the display (above SCP) indicates a non-BPF shape factor. This is illustrated in Figures 2 and 6.

  5. If the initial filter bandwidth setting > 500 Hz, and the bandwidth is then reduced to 500 Hz or less by offsetting the Twin PBT controls, the filter will have a non-BPF shape factor (as in the IC-756Pro II). The filter selection screen (Figure 5) will show a pair of offset BW icons with a long baseline (indicating non-BPF), and an asterisk (indicating that Twin PBT is offset from zero shift.) 

  6. For the case described in Note 5 above, the operating screen will show a trapezoidal IF passband icon with the asterisk to the right of it.

  7. If the Twin PBT controls are offset to reduce the bandwidth of a filter which already has a BPF shape factor, the screens will be similar to those in Figures 5 and 6 except for a short baseline in the filter selection screen and a keystone-shaped passband icon in the operating screen.

  8. Click here for further information on the BPF Indicator feature. Also refer to the IC-746Pro User Manual, pages 50 & 52.

 Copyright © 2003 A. Farson VA7OJ/AB4OJ. All images copyright © 2003 George T. Baker W5YR. All rights reserved. Last updated 06/16/18