4F2KWT Hamshack

Operating position 1

     There are actually two hamshacks in the compound. One is inside the house where a compact niche was carved out. The other is at the back in an entirely separate concrete building. Computers at both operating positions are linked and plugged into a router which shares out DSL internet connection.

     In a contest, both stations can be utilized and allowed to communicate with each other via the link. N1MM Logger is the choice tool for that. For daily recording of contacts, Logger 32 with its BPSK and RTTY capabilities is installed in all computers. Two monitors at both positions makes multiple windows multitasking a cinch.

     While watching TV or movies, the LCD at the living room can also switch to an output of another computer which monitors the DX Cluster. Armchair copy, that’s right!

DX Cluster monitoring

Operating position 2

Where the fun happens