Copyright DEC 2023 Andrew Barron ZL3DW
Combine a holiday with a visit to the largest ham radio exhibition in Europe. 28-30 June 2024. Its a great idea.

This book is a guide to the Friedrichshafen 'Ham Radio' exhibition held each year in Bavaria Germany. Managing the language barrier, what to do, what to see, and how to get there. If you have always wanted to go to one of "the big ham shows," and you are keen to visit Europe, this is the place to go! Friedrichshafen is nestled on the shore of beautiful Lake Constance (Bodensee in German), on the border of Switzerland and Germany. There are plenty of non-amateur radio-related activities to keep your wife or partner happy, and the Ham Show is fantastic. I have included "what to do while XXX is at the Ham Show," some great day trips, local attractions, and a trip that is further afield but worth doing. There are heaps of photos in full colour.

If the price of the book is a barrier, there is a cheaper black and white version available.

You can order my books from Amazon, Kindle, or the RSGB bookshop and some radio dealers (DX Engineering and Techoman in NZ).
Ham Radio Friedrichshafen
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