Phase3D Telemetry Beacon first heard in Palembang

The First Time

Using FT-847 and an Eggbeater antenna for 146 Mhz, I can heard strong Phase3D (AO-40) beacon signal on 145.898 at elevation 16 degrees and 145.897 at high elevation 84 degrees.

You can hear what I've record from 145.898 Mhz at 07.30 WIB - local time (00.30 UTC) on November 20, 2000:
p3d.wav (236 Kb).

This is another better recording on 145.896 at 7.25 WIB - local time (00.25 UTC) on November 21, 2000:
p3d_2111a.wav (345 Kb) and p3d_2111b.wav (199 Kb).

I am setting up my AEA/Timewave DSP-2232 for receiving the telemetry using P3T.exe, a freeware from W4SM Stacey Mills. Something didn't work out, data were flown but nothing decoded.

Still, I can get this with Windows Hyper Terminal:


38¨ þ_þ_þ_Ppc‚q  0@P@`pN


IN MEMORIAM WERNER HAAS, DJ5KQ Vice President AMSAT-DL + 13.06.2000 +

A HI, THIS IS AMSAT OSCAR-40 2000-11-21 23:57:17 #0071 |+--------------------------------------------------------------+|

ALON/ALAT=250/-53 moving to 270/0. D blocks are memory data. |+--------------------------------------------------------------+|  €%E½¹¼¬¤«–«CCiZˆ®*/w‡z‚†Ž„ˆˆ…j}}}j}‰Š‚‡‡„„žƒt™{}„…‰‚„‹ˆ}€?G+i À@ ÿ/ 

Updated 21 November 2000

Receiving AO-40 telemetry using P3T and AEA/Timewave DSP-2232

My first work have errors, now, I can solve the problem (really...).

Thanks to Bob/ N4HY, Bill/ NJ1H and DSP-2232 mailing list groups!

This is simple step by step procedure:

1. PC PAKRATT Dumb Terminal or Windows 95/98 Hyper Terminal program to set DSP-2232


Anyone have PC PAKRATT 2.0 should easily setup DSP-2232 for P3T.
Go to Configure, TNC1 configuration, Open TNC 1, check your communication port and set baud rate to 1200. Someone success to use 2400 or 9600 bps, you can try it, but I stick to 1200 bps for the simple. Now, go to Dumb Terminal. A CMD: prompt will show up in terminal window. I am going to use only port 1, so I type "radio 1/0" command to disable port 2.

From the prompt:

CMD:DSP (enter)
OPmode was Packet
OPmode now DSPdata

The LCD will display "Loading modem 44..." and change to DSPdat. Data stream will flow on your PC PAKRATT terminal window. You can see my Dumb Terminal window for this procedure.

Terminal Program

You can also use Windows95/98 Hyper Terminal or any other terminal program.
Don't forget to set your terminal to 1200-7-N-1 (1200 bps, Data bits=7, Parity=NONE, Stop bits=1, and Flow control=Hardware).

If all correct, when you turn ON DSP-2232, your terminal window will show up the start up message from DSP-2232 firmware and the command prompt "CMD:" .

Type "TBAUD 1200" from the command prompt, the modem will respond:
TBAUD was .../...
TBAUD now 1200/1200

Now, set to modem 44:
cmd:dsp (enter)
OPmode was ...
OPmode now DSPdata

The LCD display will change to DSPdat

SUCCESS! your DSP-2232 is ready for samba...

2. Running P3T.exe for 512 byte modem type

Get from the address below. Unzip it to new directory "C:\P3T"
When it running for the first time it will automatically run it's SETUP menu windows.

On the main P3T window:
Check on "Raw" under text, "Status", "Menu", "Nav", "Power", and" Temp" under Data field.

Tune your radio to 145.896 (for my site this time). Look your tuning LED, a correct tuned data flow will be a single LED somewhere in the middle PORT 1 LED bar. Listen to wave files above as guide.

You will see the byte number on the input field run from 1 to 512 each time raw data received. The raw data will be decoded to other data windows and each parameter will be updated.

To save the data with logging feature in menu, go to Menu, and select Logging. Check the Start button.
P3t will automatically generate a file name "TYYMMDD.raw" where YYMMDD is the current computer year, month, and date. Don't forget to check Stop/Pause when you finish. This is the example T001129.raw zipped.

3. Running P3T.exe for 514 byte modem type (CRCC enabled)

We could not using modem No. 44 for 514 byte with CRCC enabled, and have to use another 400 bps Manchester BPSK demodulator. Bob, N4HY write these modem program.

(PRESS SHIFT and click the links to download)

Qload is the command to load the demods into the battery backed RAM.

QLOAD Command

QLOAD command will load text contained a modem program to DSP-2232 modem RAM, you have to set DSP-2232 by this command:

QLOAD "n" "p" where N is modem number (1 to 255) and P is RAM position (0 or 1). It is on Appendix A page 82.
You have to change to Expert mode by type Expert ON from the command prompt (see my dumb terminal screen for this procedure).

You could choose any un-used modem number of your DSP-2232, look your manual (i.e. 48, 49,...).

I choose modem No. 48 for my new modem. From PC PAKRATT Dumb Terminal windows:

cmd: qload 48 0 (enter) . (your command prompt will change to "." each time you press ENTER)

Send the M443b15.lod or M473b15.lod by using transfer file "XFER" icon of PC PAKRATT Dumb Terminal.
Check ASCII button, sellect the file name and click SEND. A window progress show up...

After file loaded successfuly, you will see CMD prompt again.

Force DSP-2232 to use the modem (no. 48) by type QDATA 48 from the command prompt.
cmd: QData 48
QData was 44
QData now 48

This command will loaded the new modem each time we are using DSP data mode. Exit the terminal.

Start your P3T, this time check 514 byte from the setup menu, SAVE. You can see that your P3T CRCC feature now enabled.

That's all for now...

Since I am not a DSP expert, please let me know any constructive suggestions...

P3T is available at this site

Updated 13 December 2000