1999 PA QSO Party Results


The initial plan, after spreadsheet analysis, was to activate Venango County, but this did not happen. I traditionally forget that this event begins at 12:00, not 2:00 as I am used to with the VHF contests, so as of 10:30 AM I was only driving through Centre county. At that point in time I decided to set down in the adjacent Clearfield County in the S. B. Elliot State Park where the campground was deserted. Unknown to me there was another station in a cabin, but we did not seem to bother each other.

The weather was foggy and damp, but there was little rain. By about 12:30 PM, I was on the air. The antenna was composed of a length of ladder line with a roll of 50' speaker wire split apart. I spent several hours doing some search and pouncing, then sat on a frequency after the return from an attempt on higher bands which yielded few QSOs even though many sections were heard. Running a frequency was quite productive as I ended up with my highest section count ever. After dark I worked 80 M with decent success. Although I should have, I did not work beyond about 9:30 PM.

The night was miserable! When it didn't rain, the wind-blown water from the trees overhead made so much noise that I got almost no sleep. Although the rain did stop for a little while, it picked up again on Sunday morning. After some thought, I abandoned the hope that, had I worked until the 3 PM checkout, I could have had an all-time high QSO count, score, and perhaps county count. I was still quite happy with the results, as it was my second-highest QSO count (excluding a mobiling operation years) ago and also the all-time high section count mentioned above.

Typical weekend weather. They're not too easy to see, but there's a number of deer inside the fence. A lady riding her bicycle around the campground told me about some wild turkeys but I did not see them.
The WG3E setup at campsite 22. The antenna hung from the branch directly up from the picnic table. The generator was at the end of a long extension cord back into the trees.
The operating area. Once night fell, things were moved onto the shelf and pushed inside the truck cap.
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