Here is another of my rigs I owned.  This is a Ten Tec OMNI-D.  This is a great radio and was my very first HF rig!  I used it for DX and Digital modes mostly.  The one thing about a Ten Tec is no matter how old it is Ten Tec will service the radio.

This is another HF rig I owned.  A Kenwood TS-520se.  It was a great rig.  I liked to operate the hybrid rigs and the all tube rigs.  These radios were around when amateur radio was amateur radio.  These were serviceable radios, not appliances.

Here is a Kenwood TS-440s/AT.  I no longer have this rig, but
enjoyed operating it very much.  The best thing about this rig is the crystal filters.  I always received good audio reports.

Here is another of my rigs, a Drake TR-3.  This rig was an all tube rig.  I
 used this rig for having fun working DX.  I don't have this rig anymore.

Here is another of my rigs, a Yaesu FT-101EE.  This was my first hybrid rig.  I had the whole station except for the 2  and 6 Meter transverters and the digital display unit.
I used this rig for having fun working DX and digital.  I no longer have this rig.

Here was another of my rigs, a Ten Tec Century 21.  This was a great rig for CW.
This is only a 35 watt rig, but it could perform.
I no longer have this rig.

Here was another of my rigs, a Heathkit HW-101.  This was one of the first all tubes rigs I owned.
The only problem with this rig was frequency drift, but other than that a good rig.
I no longer have this rig.

Here was another of my rigs, an Alinco DX-77T.  
The radio was a fine performer. I used it for digital as well with a home brewed interface box for PSK and the other digital modes.
I no longer have this rig.

Here was another of my rigs.  This is a Heath SB-1400 that I used for Field Day, mainly for PSK31.  This rig was sent to RTO Electronics  where it went through a complete RE-CONDITIONING.  If you have a Heathkit radio check out RTO's Website.  Thanks Ron for such good work!

Here is another of my rigs that I operated.  This is a SWAN 500C.  The SWAN is an all tube rig.  I like to play with tube rigs, there is just something about working with the old technology that I feel every Amateur should experience.

Here is another of rigs that I owned.  This is an ICOM IC-706 (the orignial).  A great rig for operating mobile, in the field or as a base station.  I installed this rig in my 1984 Chevy S-10 4x4, and the antenna was a 40 Meter Hamstick.  

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