WA3UMY 443.05 MHz
Remote Base Repeater System



  The FIRST and only full-featured REMOTE BASE REPEATER SYSTEM in Southern Maryland!  This privately-owned system, located in Lexington Park, is an open repeater that is available for use by any appropriately licensed amateur radio operator.

  This system, in addition to providing excellent UHF coverage in the lower portion of St. Mary's and Calvert counties, also hosts remote base radio transceivers on 10 meters, 6 meters, 2 meters, 1.25 meters, and 70 centimeters.  The repeater is also configured to provide access to over 1,000 other repeaters and remote bases world-wide via the Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP).  IRLP capabilities are described in more detail in a separate portion of this website.

  Click on the links below for more information, view operating guides and get the operational codes needed to use the entire feature set of this repeater:

- Pictures of the WA3UMY remote base repeater system

- Remote Base operation guide [Word document, 28 KB]

- Digital Voice Recorder guide [Word document, 18 KB]

- Repeater User Access & Control Codes


Repeater specifications:


 Frequency: 443.05 MHz out / 448.05 MHz in

 Carrier access: no PL or sub audible tones required

 Availability: 24 hours/day

 Output power: 100 watts

 Antenna: Celwave 1151Super-StationMaster, 8 dBd gain, 0 degree beam tilt, 
                    85' AGL, 211' AMSL 

 Feed line: Andrew 1/2" Heliax 

 Transmitter / receiver: Spectrum Communications SCR-77 UHF repeater  

 High Power Amplifier: Spectrum Communications SCA-100

 Controller: Advanced Computer Controls RC-850
                      - version 3.6 software
                      - computer interface option
                      - FC-900 remote base interface
                      - digital voice recorder (2 record/playback channels)

 Remote bases: ICOM IC-900 Super Multi-Bander System
                               - UX-19A 10 meter transceiver
                               - UX-59A 6 meter transceiver
                               - UX-29H 2 meter transceiver
                               - UX-39A 1.25 meter transceiver
                               - UX-49A 70 centimeter transceiver

 IRLP interface: Yes (see IRLP section of this website for details)

 Duplexer: Celwave 526SR, 6-cavity

 Power Supplies:  Spectrum Communications SCP-30, 60-amps (2 each)
                                   - one for SCA-100 amplifier (30 amps)
                                   - one for the remote base transceivers (30 amps)

 Repeater features:

 - Autopatch / Emergency Autodial / User Autodial

 - Reverse autopatch & computer message entry / retrieval by telephone

 - Digital Voice Recorder (DVR) multi-channel solid-state voice storage
   and message system (voice mail storage & retrieval via radio or telephone;
   bulletin announcements of general interest; and various voice ID's)

 - Remote base links on 10 meters thru 70 cm + IRLP node #4820

 - Autopatch / Membership fees: None



 Copyright © 2001-2007, WA3UMY Remote Base Repeater Systems
All rights reserved.