Larry Lutzak has been a licensed amateur radio operator since 1968. He currently
holds an Amateur Extra Class license, and operates his own station out of his
home in Bellerose, Long Island (IOTA NA-026), NY.

He has held the callsigns of: WN2IBW, WN2EKX and his current callsign,

Larry is also trustee of K2ARC, primarily used as a special event station callsign
for the American Red Cross Emergency Communications

Larry has been a member of ARCECS since August, 1967. He has held every
elective and appointed office in ARCECS, including President (10 Terms).

He currently has been serving as an Assistant Director for the Hudson Division of
the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

Since 1992, Larry has enjoyed the thrill of HF DX'ing and has Mixed DXCC, WAC
(and will have mixed WAZ, WAS - 10m SSB in 1999.) He is also an enthusiastic
HF contester, participating in the CQWW DX and WPX contests, ARRL WW DX
and 10M DX contests. His favorite contest, however, still remains the ARRL Field
Day Weekend, which he has participated in with ARCECS since 1968.

In his Broadcast Band DX listening days in the 1960's, Larry held the call of
WPE2PYZ, issued by the old Popular Electronics magazine. He was a member of
the International Radio Club of America (IRCA).

His very first official amateur radio contact as WN2IBW came in 1968. While
calling on 15 Meter CW at the QTH of longtime friend N3HRI (ex-WB2SZZ), he was
answered by none other than JY1, His Majesty, the late King Hussein of Jordan.

While his contact with JY1 was most memorable, Larry still enjoys the satisfaction
of volunteer service during times of disaster (hurricanes, earthquakes and, more
recently, the Blizzard of 1996). He also vounteers for public service events, such
as the NYC Marathon (he also ran in it as well, in 1994 and 1995, completing both)
and the United Cerebral Palsy Hike-For Health.
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