Meetings feature ham radio speakers or activites. Please join us for our next meeting. Let us know if you have a topic you'd like covered.

Next Event

January club program

  • Presentation
  • Presentation by AA6AT on using WebSDR or a low cost RTL-SDR dongle to monitor the thursday night contra costa county disaster preparedness net on 3.893KHz @1830... and for chasing DX.

    Date: Next Saturday (January 27th), 2024
    More info can be found on the Winter Field Day site!

  • Winter Field Day 2024
  • EBARC will be participating in Winter Field Day with KARO-ECHO! We will be operating at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley (1 Lawson Rd., Kensington ), from 11:00 (local) until the late afternoon. If you would like to help set up early, then show up at 10:00. We WILL be outside, so remember to check the weather and bring a coat if needed! We'll set up in the playground area next to the north parking lot, and may move to the edge of the north parking lot, or near the Kensington CERT shed in the dirt road area as needed. UUCB will have activities going on, so don't enter the building except. We'd like to register as a club for this event, so please RSVP!
    If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]

    Upcoming Meetings and Events

    Date: January 27, 2024

    Local Nets
    Public Service Events

    Calendar of Bay Area Ham Radio Public Service Events

    (coordinated by various local ham radio clubs)

    Field Day

    EBARC has participated in the annual ARRL Field Day event for many, many years (always held on the last full weekend in June). This is one of the biggest and most enjoyed club events of the year. While it's mainly about having a good time outdoors on the radio, Field Day is also an opportunity to give Ham Radio some exposure to the general public, practice emergency communications preparedness, and participate in a radio contest that's not quite as intense and competitive as most.

    Field Day is also a lot of work (enjoyable as the tasks may be). We need people to transport and set up radio equipment and tents, keep everyone well-fed, provide security, interface with the public, and last but not least, get on the air and make as many contacts as you can.

    It's also a great opportunity to hone your radio skills, whether it's setting up and tuning antennas or operating at break-neck contest speeds. And there are plenty of club members willing and able to help mentor these skills. But the main goal at an EBARC Field Day is fun for all, so please plan to participate!


    The annual ARRL Pacific Division Convention, Pacificon, is held each October. For more information visit the Pacificon website.

    East Bay Mini Maker Faire

    We will be showing off some of our homemade radio gear and the magic of radio. If you have something you'd like to display please consider bringing it to the Faire. Last year we introduced a lot of people to ham radio. The Makers Faire is a lot of fun with a variety of arts, crafts, DIY science and technology, creativity, craziness and fun for people of all ages. The Park Day School in Oakland is a beautiful venue as well. Please consider stopping by if you can. For more information visit the East Bay Mini Maker Faire website.