Welcome to the Page of W5HIR



    I  have built many little projects to date.  The days of the rock crusher and pole peg power supplies has long since passed for me.  Sure, I like to build the old vacuum tube projects, but they seldom are large finals as in the "Old Days."

    Here are some of my collection of QRP equipment:

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This is a GM-20 transceiver.  Wayne, k8ff did an excellent job on it. I gave it a new home.

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This is a view of my packet-APRS- Qrp site.  The Mike and most cables have been removed to reduce confusion. The GM-20 is on top of the KAM 3+,on the lower right is a HR2510- 10 meter Transceiver, next to it is a GM-17 ( neat little rig ) and next to that is my idea of making the serial port more available to the operator instead of going in the back of the computer. The upper left is a VEC-1130, 30 meter receiver. Under it is the Kenwood Tm-221A 2 meter transceiver.

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This is the NW80/30 QRP that is just being finished and is being checked out.

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The signal generator was salvaged at a ham fest for just several dollars. It needed aligning, and I replaced the old microphone jacks with bnc. The aluminum strip under the upper shelf makes available +12, -12,+5, and -5 volts, and the bnc connectors make available, the Counter, an antenna which runs to the operating position's multiple antenna/rig switch, and the RF Generator output.  Under the top shelf is a PC power supply which delivers all of the voltages. The scope is an old BK 20mhz dual trace scope.   I have a weller soldering station, which is not shown here. All-in-all,  the workbench ( which is just aside the operating position)_ keeps my room a true adventure. Company is NOT allowed anywhere near this room, by order of the XYL.  My Sheltie is an exception.  She can find more junque to keep her attention than the backyard.

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