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W4JBM's Radio Kits Page

My start in radio included a crystal radio kit, a small Radio Shack regenerative receiver, and a Heathkit superhet receiver. Several friends also built their own radios from kits and at that time it seemed like the best way to get started in the hobby. A while back I'd put together a page with information on the Heathkit SW-717. After some playing around with kits recently, I decided it was time to build a new page dedicated to receiver kits--and in fact, any electronics kit.


Why Kits?

Over the past decade I've worked with lots of technicians. I'm amazed at the number of technicians that can't solder, don't know how to run a piece a cable without getting kinks in it, will connect an amp meter across a battery to see "how much current it has", etc.. In my experience, maybe one in ten technicians really "gets it". And most of these are the same guys who played with their '100-in-1 Electronic Projects Kit' from Radio Shack, built a crystal radio, played with motors and light bulbs, and generally enjoyed electronics as a hobby.


Kids and Kits

My son (nine at the time) was the hit of the neighborhood with his "voice changer" kit. At first, his friends couldn't believe he'd really built it. Later, they all wanted to know where they could buy the kit. (By the way, it came from RadioShack.Com.) My daughter (two and a half at the time) was excited when we built a kit shaped like a Christmas tree with blinking LEDs.


Radio Kits Sources

I've pulled together a list of some links for some receiver kits:


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