Amateur Radio Licence Classes

There are five (5) licence classes in the Australian Amateur Radio regulations.
Licence ClassAllowed Frequencies (MHz)Permitted ModesMax. Power (W)
UnrestrictedAll Allocated Bands.All Modes Permitted.400 Watts.
Intermediate3.5, 21, 28 + All Allocated Bands above 30MHzAll Modes Permitted400 Watts
NoviceParts of 3.5, 21, 28, 144 & 430 Bands.AM, CW, SSB, DATA & FMupto 30 MHz 100 W Above 30 Mhz 10 W.
Limited29.000-29.700 + All Allocated Bands above 30 MHz.All Modes Permitted400 Watts
Novice LimitedParts of 144 & 430 Bands.FM, DATA Modes.10 Watts
More information seeAustralian Communications Authority.

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