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Control Heads

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The main confusion with newcomers to the FM1000 series is caused by the print on the control heads these radios are fitted with. The heads are (in principle) the same for the FM1100, 1200 and 1300 although the print on them invariably reads 'FM1000'. The same problem exists with the M/MX290 series of the early 1980's.

The FM1000 control heads with an LCD contain a slave microcontroller circuit with proprietary ROM, PROM or EPROM. Connection to the main transceiver is via a 9-way SIL connector which carries the supply voltage and the RX/TX lines for serial communication. They can be customized by fitting a strip of clear acetate film which fits over, and provides a text/symbol overlay for, the indicators on the display.

Basic Control Head

This is simplest and cheapest of the three. It has only an on/off switch, volume control, 8 buttons and 8 LEDs. Photograph courtesy PA1MT. Not suitable for use with Simple or Extensive Conversion. Tech doc.: in TP253A.


Standard Control Head

On/off switch, volume control, LCD with fixed symbols, 8 buttons. Exists in two versions: trunking (FM1200/1300) and non-trunking (FM1100) which are not interchangeable. Switch on your radio and have a look at the LCD symbols to see the difference. Not suitable for use with Simple or Extensive Conversion. Tech doc.: in TP253A.

Standard head, trunking (FM1200/1300)

Standard head, non-trunking (FM1100)


Numeric Keypad Head

On/off switch, volume control, dot-matrix LCD, 8 buttons below and numeric keypad to the right of LCD. Suitable for use with Simple or Extensive Conversion. Tech doc.: in TP251.




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Last modified: February 19, 2002