PA3FBO Homepage
Old SituationRadio Interesse Stam / Radio Interested Scouts:
RIS Mailing HeaderLogo 5 jaar RISRIS Logo 200310 jaar RIS10+ jaar RIS
The Radio Interesse Stam (RIS) was founded in 1987. I joined shortly after that. They had a weekly bulletin and net on 144.650MHz in SSB. This was followed by a bulletin and net on 145.525MHz because of the Novice HAM's. In those days Novices (PD0xxx) were only allowed in the upper part of the 2m band. In those early days a members callsign was used during the events. Much later the RIS got a real clubcall, PI4RIS.
The RIS was present on several scouting and radio amateur events.
When I moved house, a low building, I stopped my HAM activities and also stopped being a member of the RIS.
Later on I also stopped being a member of Scouting.
RIS Train Badge To draw attention to the club, there was a yearly Promo-Weekend. During one of this weekends some members made QSO's from a train while riding across the country. The calls PA3EKI and PA3FBO were used. MapTime Table